The Alliance Of The Four.

Melinda and Hal dashed into the midst of the enemies and were throwing fists and kicks all about.

The battle was already going well and the Sapphirine Guild already had the upper hand but no member of the Sapphirine Guild complained (why would they?) when Melinda and Hal joined up with them and caused even more damage.

That said, the members of the Sapphirine Guild were quick to realize that if the two could join up with them, then it had to mean that they had been victorious against the two Guild leaders and they spared a look at where most of the Officials were at and saw the broken and ragdolled bodies of both Lan and Rowan.

If the members of the Sapphirine Guild could notice, then it is only a matter of time before their enemies realized as well.

Their eyes widened as they saw what had been done to their leaders and then they looked at the couple who were still inflicting punishment on them with wicked smiles.