Melinda Vs Cornelia.

The voice sounded feminine and Hal knew already that it belonged to the leader of the Sensual Guild.

"You say it like you know me... Like on a personal level or something" Hal said as he picked himself up from the ground and look at his attacker.

"Never met you in my life but I won't be from the Doxon Duchy if I didn't know who you were." said the lady as she finally showed herself and Hal could truly view her.

She was dressed according to Doxon customs (so it was scanty as possible) and she was held a large rod that she now had in her shoulder which Hal suspected was what she had used to strike him.

The lady smiled at him and Hal could sort of see two different expressions being expressed in her smile with one being an utter drive to destroy him and the other just admiring his looks.

The drive to destroy him was however stronger.