It’s All Your Fault!

Valerie was not too far from the celebrating hall when she turned round to face Hal who was already in front of her in barely a second.

For almost a full minute, the two just stood in front of each other, staring at one another- Hal with a smile and Valerie with a frown.

And then Hal, who had spread about his senses and was sure that there was no one around to see what he was about to, stepped forward and grabbed Valerie's arm and say,

"Come on"

Just before he pulled her through a portal that suddenly appeared in the courtyard.

Valerie's eyes widened at the portal but she did not have time to resist Hal's pull (and would not have been able to anyway) before she was pulled through.

On the other side of the portal, Valerie was treated to the view of a different world where despite the space, there was no other building besides a magnificent mansion.