Battle Of the Spouses.

Seeing his wife in such a compromising position, a lot of thoughts ran through Rody's mind... And those thoughts only got worse and louder when the said man looked at him and smiled.

In that smile, Rody felt like he could see something dangerous... Especially since he could not sense or detect this young man's cultivation and thus did not have an accurate gauge of his capabilities.

There was a sort of intimidating factor to the Blue-eyed young man's smile but Rody was far too gone in his life and much too battle-hardened to be so easily intimidated.

Not to mention that he refused to believe this young man had strength that warranted any worry on his part.

That said, the day no longer seemed as wonderful as before... His anticipation had been watered down and while he remained visibly calm, his mind was in turmoil and he was going through scenarios that involved making that young man regret touching his wife.