Grimoire To Codex.

Everything about Hal was different...

The very aura around him made that clear and with his already perfect looks getting even more refined, while his black hair got sleeker and more mysterious than ever, Melinda and anyone who observed him further would swear to a difference...

When Hal's soul merged with his body and brought along the changing of Aura and general feel of him, the Primevals, those who did not already know, finally put a face on the Avatar of the newly created Concept... A Principle that promised to usher in a new era.

Paradise was bustling with the news but not in joy...

Nihasa had known all along that Hal was going to achieve power meant to rival that of the Primevals... That was what she stood to gain from her deal with Order.

It was not exactly a spoken deal in the sense that Order did not actually agree to what Nihasa had been planning seeing as it did not have actual knowledge of it.