Hal’s New Bloodline...




When Sassy arrived at the hall of merriment dragging the paralyzed Unogah behind her, Hal was delivering a series of punches to the face of the Clan head, and all around them, there were injured youngsters who had been so stupid as to get involved in a battle that clearly surpassed their levels.

Hal had held nothing back and had wasted no time killing as many of them as actually were stupid enough to try and fight him.

Among the victims was Unogah's brother...

While he had not exactly been his best child, the death hurt the Clan head deeply and for a few seconds, he went on a rampage but it was all moot and he still ended up at the receiving end of Hal's blows. 

Kya stood to the side and never tried to get involved in Hal's infliction of terror.