More And More.


The hammer hit sent Hal towards the wall around the arena but even then, despite the impact, there was no crack in the wall. It remained as solid as it had always been.

Hal had no time to think about this phenomenon though as his body suddenly got shrunken and his life force drastically got reduced until he seemed as though he were at death's door.

That highlighted the most major issue with battling the Devil Chieftess or anyone who possessed the abilities and strength that she did.

Hal was suddenly overcome with weakness but when Elenor came at him with an attempt at stabbing him with her sword, he was still very much able to smack the sword away with his Trident.

The moment he saw an opening, he took it with a mighty blow to her face... A blow that he used as a medium to wrought the Devil Chieftess' body with Infinity as well as his Dao.