Information Junkie.

Hal started his information sharing from the very beginning and from the very foundation and very start of the formation of all things.

He started showing the Empress the jumbled and incomprehensible visions of the state in which both Order and Chaos had been at the start and he only got to the point where they both got bored with the monotony of their existences and came together to create the spark of creation.

That was as far as he could go and as much as he could reveal to the Empress before she reached the limit her mortal brain could handle.

Hal had actually reduced the impact the information would have on her mind by retelling the tale in a much more mortal manner and that was why she had been able to handle as much as she had.

That said, he had not actually attempted to take away all harmful impact by telling her the tale orally because straining her mind was the point of the whole thing in the first place.