To Bury A Threat.

Tanya placed her hand beneath the stone and grabbed it.

The moment she did so, she imprinted on the Stone and felt the remnants of her Ancestor's use.

The fact that they were in a Pocket dimension did not have any effect on the stone's abilities or uses and already, Tanya began to feel empowered by the faith of various individuals on the Continent.

It began with all those in her information-gathering network- all those dedicated to her dreams and then stretched to many other denizens of the continent who did not exactly have faith in her personally but rather in the Bloodline she belonged to.

Faith came in two forms (More or less); either having faith in a specific individual or having faith in a particular group of people.

No family or bloodline was more iconic on the Haron continent than the Harons and as she felt her ability to tap into the faith the denizens had in her family, Tanya felt all the more sure of her decision.