You’re Winning.

Clement was understandably confused at a stranger's presence in what was clearly his recovery room but what confused him the most was the feeling that he had to obey whatever came out of this blue-eyed man's mouth.

"Wha-" he began to say when Hal tapped his forehead,

"We don't have time for your many questions. Just know the hierarchy of the Silva Duchy is about to change and you will be instrumental in that change"

With the tap on his forehead, Hal passed all necessary information to the Duke's head before affirming his control over him now that he had been tied to Infinity.



As the allies of the Silva family arrived to offer a hand in the battle, every Saint and Semi-saint of the Silva family (besides the Elders) who had been involved in the battles with the monsters and the Dystopians turned away from fighting the Danes.