Spectacle To Behold. Part 1

Elenor frowned,

"You can't be serious. If your master chose you to be his representation while he is away, I would have expected you to have more political sense than this"

"Well, ouch," Sassy said with a smile which played into the fact that Elenor felt she had been making a joke and that did not help how the Devil Chieftess was feeling.

Sassy ignored how much deeper Elenor's frown became as she said,

"Allow the Dragon and Pheonix clan to attempt to come together. You might not be aware but the plan to join forces has been in play for the two clans for years.

They managed to keep it out of earshot of the two other governing powers so just imagine what else they have been able to keep away from your earshot... Imagine the secret weapon they have in development."

Sassy paused and let these words sink in and only when she saw Elenor pause to reason her stated points did she continue,