Consummation. Part 2

Reyna was sure her sister would not take Havi's outstretched hand. Her sister would only accept contact with someone she respected-

"My name is Addilyn Gord and I have no idea who you are," Addilyn said and to her sister's surprise, she took Havi's hand and shook it with that uncharacteristic smile on her face.

Havi nodded with a chuckle,

"I'm finding that I'm not as well known as I would like to be," he said as their hands separated and then he looked past Addilyn at the seated couple,

"If you'll excuse me ladies, I should pay my respect to the couple. Maybe I'll have better hope for recognition there" he added and with a courteous bow to the two, he walked away.

Addliyn went to stand more by her sister's side and then turned around to watch Havi approach the couple,