Well, Of Course, You’re Grateful.

In her ethereal form, Svetlana fell to her knees with the hand of her son's soul still against her temple. Back in her lounge in the Doxon Duchy Palace, her body had also fallen to its knees and was echoing her painfully yells of anguish.

What Svetlana was feeling was the sort of pain that went past being physical... It was all emotional and hurt more than any physical injury the Duchess had ever experienced.

As Hal had told her, what she was feeling was indeed the pain her son had felt in his last moments but that was not the whole truth. 

Thing was, as painful as it had been for the dead Hal, all he had experienced would not have been able to cause Svetlana to break down and crumble as she had done.

Svetlana's soul and mind were much too strong.

Even while on her knees, the imprint on her soul was teeming with strength and power. Whatever her dead son had experienced was absolutely nothing to her soul strength and immense mental fortitude.