
Following the destruction that Sassy wrought on the Palace, many of the secluded experts began to make an appearance but Hal did not direct Sassy to stay. She glowed green once again and let out a massive cloud of toxic gas that spread all over the Imperial Palace skies after which she used the gas to shroud herself and make an escape.

However, as Sassy left, Hal left behind four words,


Nothing more needed to be said and the four words boomed in the ears of every Haron in the Imperial Palace for they were the last bunch left to be subdued.

The four words were taken as a declaration of war and they shook the hearts of all who heard them but even then, they all worked fast to rid the skies of the toxic gases, and they succeeded in seconds.

It was at that point that the Portal opened and Tanya fell through it to behold the destruction of the Imperial Palace.