Hal, The Infinite Cosmic Sovereign. Part 3

"If it had anything to do with power, I would lose today... Those with me will lose today, Alas, it is not about power, at least not power any of you present right now wield.

This is about fundamental truths and laws put in place which surpass even the power of the Ordinances either Elemental or Abstract," as Hal spoke, streams reached out from the Nexus World to connect to the multiple worlds in the Ring of Neglected worlds.

It happened so fast, almost instantaneously, that when the Armada of gods even thought to react, it was already done.

Time was of no consequence, space was not a deterrent... Infinity surpassed them by building on them.

"What is he doing?" Forgon asked with a frown and his scales stood like hairs hinting at an ominous occurrence. It was quite a curious sight.

"Enough jibber-jabber," said the green-eyed god before he yelled "ATTACK!" 

The Armada moved and charged but were instantly repelled by an Infinite field.