Art's warmth through cold emotions part I [Jacob]

"the sky is like a silent accomplice of the crimes committed on the city. the tall buildings are just cages to hold us back. there are cages to keep our wild side on a leash."

those are the words of the man we are about to introduce. he is a man on his fifties. he is so tall his friends nicknamed him the "Hammer Giant." don't ask questions. there would be a tale to tell after drinking some beers.

the details of this story will contain some blood and guts. is it important to highlight the details of the story? I can't tell. but what is important is to tale his story.

the man we are about to talk about used to wear normal clothing. he used to grab his soul and keep it close to himself. now he looks like a maniac, or some rock-star from the eighties or nineties.

his long pitch black hair. his long thick black beard. his thick mustache. he has soulless pistachio green eyes. his eye bags. his thick black eyebrows. with that description alone you may think I am describing a regular hippy. his appearance is so emaciated.

there is some deep depression on his eyes. there is some bitterness on his world. there are emotional scars on his glance.

the man I am describing is a Hitman. he kills for a local gangster. the man I am talking about is Jacob the "Hammer Giant" Einarsson.

if you haven't guess by now, yes he is no regular man. he is actually one of the most bloody and terrifying men on the city. he didn't care on the past about jobs. to him his job is just that, a job. it is now that he has doubts about the job he has done so far.

just some few years ago Jacob found passion for painting. he felt so much peace. Jacob paints as a hobby when he doesn't work. he feels something especial whenever he paints with passion.

do you want to learn how is that Jacob found art? or the art found him? it was some years ago after a hit on which he killed some innocent cops. Jacob felt empty. he knew that there was something that he was lacking.

some time later after another hit. Jacob found himself all covered of blood. he was walking with a deep wound. Jacob felt like he was going to die at any time. there was no regret on his eyes. there was just emptiness.

that day he walked inside of a store. he felt like if he was possessed. he walked in front of an area with paint, brushes, and other materials. Jacob found peace in there.

Jacob bought some books to teach himself how to paint. he started at a late age. but now he is a professional. he could make a living by just painting. it has become a passion and the reason for Jacob's peace.

after a job Jacob always makes time to paint. sometimes he only takes thirty minutes, but there are times in which he even dedicates four hours to his craft.

one day after a job Jacob found himself painting on a park. he was painting the trees, the pets and owners, some squirrels, some birds, and the sky. then out of nowhere a lady on her early twenties walked in front of him.

her name is Caroline Green. she is a student on the local school of Art. she saw Jacob's painting and felt a connection. she felt like something calling her. she found herself finding inspiration on his art. she didn't felt afraid in front of the Giant.

Caroline is the kind of person who loves to make friends with everyone. she doesn't allow others's appearance, or first impression to affect her. and now Jacob seems like a nice guy with who she wants to be friends.

that first encounter become the first one in many. they met again a few more times. it is probable that they had walked on the same path before, but then there was no reason for two strangers to know each other. now they have a mutual passion for art.

Jacob started to question if working as a killer was necessary. Jacob could just leave that kind of life. he has saved enough money to start a new life. there was a lot he could do with the rest of his life.

Jacob felt afraid to affect the simple, jet pure friendship he had with the young lady. he feared that she could see the world that he sees every day.

there is no sexual desire, nor romantic feelings on his part. Jacob doesn't understand the meaning of eroticism, nor emotions. he never cared about pleasures of the body. all Jacob cared about was doing his job. so no, he doesn't have those kind of ideas.

Jacob genuinely wants to be friend with Caroline Green. he has no secret intentions. maybe that is why Jacob is such a lonely person.

believe it or not. Jacob is a bit of a poet, and even a philosopher at times. he thinks a lot about life and the deeper meaning behind been alive. Jacob has a lot of time to think in between jobs.

on one job Jacob found a dying man. the man was with desperation fighting to live. Jacob felt bad for him. so Jacob only looked at him dying without doing anything at all. later that day Jacob was painting the face of the dying man.

Jacob found inspiration on the job. he painted the sadness and regret of his victims. he painted mundane things like cigars or insects on a window. he knows he is too old to keep working as a Hitmen.

he understood something simple, you can be too old, or too young for certain things. but you don't have an age, nor need of one when it is about things like painting. everyone can do something as majestic as painting.

Jacob had done a job on which he barely survived. he was badly wounded. on a abandoned building he treated his wounds. Jacob was on his way to his home when out of nowhere he crossed paths with Caroline.

she had classes today. he was too tired of his world. she smiled with a pure smile. she is no Goddess when it is about beauty, but there is something about her smile, something about her personality that makes her look like an angel.

she has black eyes. long bright black hair. she uses glasses at times. Caroline is about 1.72 cm tall. her skin is pale like a ghost. two moles on the neck, that looks like a vampire bite from a far.

Jacob saw her. he stops. Caroline notices the wounds. with a sad smile she asked about the origin of the wounds. he lied. he told her that it isn't anything serious. Caroline can see that he is lying.

she tells him to follow her. she gets inside of a drug store. she comes out in five minutes with some medicine, band-Aids, and a bottle of alcohol. Caroline takes him to her department.

Caroline puts alcohol on the wounds. she sew the wound. Caroline gives him some painkillers and the band-Aids. she just realized that she invited a man to her place.

Jacob felt strange. no one had ever before been nice towards him. he felt like something was wrong on the girl's head. he stands up ready to leave. she asked him to stay for a cup of coffee. Jacob accepts the offer.

Jacob tells her that he likes the coffee black with no sugar. she goes to the kitchen to make some coffee and a tea for her.

Jacob's phone makes a sound. he takes it from his pockets. it is a message from the Daniel Grinberg, his boss. he ignores the message. he turns off his phone.

Jacob looks around of the department. it seems so simple, so common. there is a clock on a wall painted on gray. some photos. the furniture looks common. some old rug. there is an old wooden table. a new TV.

Jacob asks himself why some of his acquaintances make a big deal out of a guy visiting a lady's home at night. he doesn't see any magic (literal) on the air. it is the same. there is no difference from the home of a man, to a lady's place. it is all the same.

Jacob looks at a book on the wooden table. the author's name is unknown to him. Jacob knows a lot about literature. he has read plenty of classic books of literature. he has read some historic books. some poetry. some philosophy.

some people may think that because Jacob kills people for a living, he has to be an illiterate or he doesn't even know what is a book.

but strange enough. Jacob loves to read books from many Authors. his favorite type of literature is the one that comes with philosophical debates about life. books about morality and other things. he also loves to read poetry and romance.

Jacob doesn't know the meaning of romance or love. but what poetry describes is so beautiful and sweet. it's something pure that he wishes to be normal enough to feel it or understand it. he wishes to feel that strange beauty known as feelings, love, emotions.

Jacob takes the book from the table. he looks at the title, "Carnal Desires." he opens it. Jacob starts reading it. Jacob didn't expected for the book to be an Erotic Novella.

like it was said before, Jacob has no understanding of Sexual Desires.

Caroline comes out of the kitchen holding two cups. she leaves the cups on the table. without looking she asks him for the book on his hands.

he answers by saying, "the book on the table."

Caroline nervously looks at the book he is holding. she felt ashamed as she takes the book from his hands. Jacob asks if there is something wrong with the book. nervously Caroline explains what the book is.

Jacob looks at her with an emotionless expression. it is not like Jacob doesn't know what sex or lust are. it is just so mundane and a common topic. for him it's like talking about the reproduction of bees, not important at all.

Caroline has never seen a men like him. he is the first man who doesn't seem to be interested nor affected by the word 'SEX.'

Jacob looks at Caroline with a small smile. he drinks the coffee. he takes a small notebook from his pockets. he writes the names of some Authors & books. he gives the piece of paper to her. he tells her that those are his favorites books & Authors.

Jacob is sure that she will love those books. he finish drinking the coffee. he stands up and then leaves quietly.

Caroline feels confuse. I mean, she is glad to know that he isn't a dangerous man. he didn't try to touch her, nor he made any inappropriate comment. he just was there, and then he wasn't like a ghost.

Caroline wishes to see him once more. he looks like a fun friend to have. Caroline drinks the tea slowly. she looks at the book on her hand and blushes. then she start to read it.


At Night even the Wolves are sleeping.

"KNOCK. Knock. knock... death kept knocking on the door. but the farmer refused to open the door. he was too good to leave a stranger outside. but he was too smart to let Death disguised as an innocent traveler hurt his family.....

the farmer eventually opened the door slightly. he left a torch outside so the travel wouldn't be in danger. before the farmer could close the door again. Death had already touched his arm.... Death left. the farmer died the next day.....

what is the meaning of the story? yes, that fable works as a warning. it doesn't matter how good you can be. you should never open the door. once it is open, you are leaving Death enough space to kill you."

Jacob wakes up.

Jacob is sweating. he had a scary nightmare. a nightmare about a time that is gone. a time that belongs on the past. he looks at the wounds of yesterday. it doesn't look bad. Jacob then looks at the ceiling thinking about his art.

"a nightmare. I want to paint something nice before work. probably her smile, or even her peaceful eyes." said Jacob to himself.

Jacob stands up. he takes a cold shower. then he starts to paint completely naked. at home Jacob likes to paint naked.