the Abraham Analogy part III [Grinberg]

a man with tattoos all over his body walks inside of a house.

the man in question is wearing loose jeans. he isn't wearing any shirt. he has a shaved head with tattoos on it. he has a small mustache. his skin color is of a light brown tone.

he has a skull on the back of his head. he has an eagle embracing a snake on the back. he has a bleeding heart on the chest. he has the Devil and an Arch Angel on his arms. he has some other tattoos.

he is holding a gun. there is something about him that brings horror to those who look directly at his eyes. there is something sinister about him.

there are some teens tied to a chair in front of him. he asks about what they did. someone tells him that they stole merchandise. that man puts a bullet on the head of each one of the teens. he asks someone to throw away the bodies.

"Jose come here."

the man calling for Jose is blonde, young, handsome man. the man is wearing a bright neon green suit. his shoes are white. the man has long hair that touches his shoulders. the boss has a pretty face, but there is evil hidden on that face.

"boss, what Jose can do for yu?"

"I want you to give a message to an old man who is coming for my head."

"boss, me no English wood. when yu say message, do yu mean kill. like bang bang no more breathing."

"yeah, something like that. make it bloody and loud. no second chances for old bastards from the past."

"bye boss. take care."

Jose asks two gunman to follow him. he gets inside of a car. he starts driving. then he stops realizing that he forgot to ask for the direction. he calls his boss. no one answers. Jose feels shy asking the other two for the direction.

"shit. Jose no bueno with directions. me stupid-etion. chavos, quien sabe pa' donde?"


about 40 minutes Later.

Jose arrives in front of a bar. he gets out of the car. he is followed by the other two. he receives a call from one of his younger siblings. he answers the call. he sounds friendly and childish as he tells his brother to not worry. Jose ends the call.

Jose tries to keep his personal life away from this. his siblings don't know about the things that he does for the boss. they aren't really his siblings. they are just some orphans that Jose took in and cared for them like if they were his siblings.

Jose gets inside of the bar. he looks at Damian playing pool with some clients. Jose walks carefully closer to Damian. the other two follow silently.

Jose shows his gun as he sits in front of Damian. he doesn't plan on ending the job without playing around. the other two walk behind the clients.

"yu play bich?" Jose asked Damian. "hey puto. don't let viejo run. boss wants he head. but before, some cerveza can be wood for us."

"si, Don Jose." answered the two henchmen.

Saul wasn't home. he was at his son's school. they were talking with some teachers. Saul had left Damian in charge of the bar. there was only an employee working now. she was some college girl that works here to pay for her school.

one of the henchmen grabs the employee of the hair. he pulls her closer to Jose. "Jose, mira what I found." said the man with lust on his eyes.

"come on. don't be shit and let her go. she is just an employee. she only works here to pay for her studies." yields Damian feeling rage.

"come on Jose some fun can't be that bad. right?"

Jose shoots his own henchmen on the balls. the man falls on the floor screaming and bleeding out. he asks for help. the girl runs out of the bar.

"Jose que haces loco? recuerda lo que el patron dijo la ultima vez. no more getting on the way or you will lose your 'treasure.' get the mind on the work." said the other henchman helping his friend to stand up.

"tu fuera de service, bitch." said Damian as he pulls a gun from the table.

Damian aims at the face of one henchman. he pulls the trigger. pieces of brains and bones fall on Jose's face. Damian then shoots at the other henchman on the chest. Damian aims at Jose. he ran out of bullets.

Jose is holding a gun. he aims at Damian. there is a sinister smile on Jose's face. before he could act Saul gets inside of the bar holding a shotgun. he aims at Jose.

"do yu know who I am? fool. I am Jose 'el Loco Bobo' Martinez. yu no fuck with me grandpa. I am daddy on the hood. I am the boss's second biggest pito."

Jose is sweating as he gets nervous. Damian dares him to make a move. Damian doesn't care about his own life. for him it is the same if he lives or dies. he can go down on a duel with Jose any time. there is nothing that can scare him at his age.

Saul pulls the trigger. the bullets didn't kill Jose. he fell on the floor still breathing. he had a bulletproof vest on. but even so he was bleeding. he makes false promises of pain as he falls unconscious.

"I suppose this is a goodbye. you are my best friend, even better you are a brother. I won't be coming back. for me there are only two ends. either I end on a casket or I go back to the cage. thanks for everything Saul."

Damian walks away dragging Jose like a sack of potatoes. Damian looks at Jose's car. he takes the car keys from Jose's pockets. he gets inside of the car. he puts Jose on the seat next to his. Jose is starting to wake up.

Jose receives a call. he takes the phone from his pockets. he talks with his siblings. while Jose is talking Damian is aiming at Jose's head. Jose puts on a force smile. he makes promises of coming back home and having dinner with all the kids.

Damian ends the call. he puts the phone on his pockets. he receives calls from the boss and some calls from coworkers. Jose looks at Damian with a stupid smile.

"we have all the time of the world to have a decent conversation."

"me debt to boss. me do what boss says. me do what is wood for me jente. we all have jente to protect. ellos me tienen amarrado de los huevos."

"what do you mean? be honest and precise. one lie, just one lie and this is as far as you go. I have nothing against you, but I don't trust you either."

"me no do any thing. they know me have siblings, they scare me. if me talk back, they kill me siblings. last time me stop them, they kill me uncle. me dog, no human."

"so you are a dog who does as he is told without putting any resistance."

"yes. me danger for not dejar me friends to do bad. now donde me taker you?"

Damian orders Jose to take him to the warehouse. Jose nods. he looks at his wounds. he bleed a lot. but the wounds are minor. there is nothing to worry about. some stitches and he will be like new.

Damian puts a cigar on his mouth. not to smoke, but to control his anxiety. Damian is witness of how the city changes once the sun hides. when the moon starts to come the darkness invokes the worse on the human heart to be release.

we all see the city on the daylight different. it has a feeling of your regular city with some normal people and a peaceful neighborhood. but at night the dirt and the filth are exposes on the eyes of the mortals.

at night the city becomes as disgusting as the soul of it's citizens. at night the city reveals its filth on every corner on the shape of humans on the streets. some hold flags of idiots or few good guys. but mostly there are wolves, snakes, and monstrous beasts.

this city is home to many humans of doubtful intentions. at night no good man or woman dares to walk on the filthy streets of the city. those who walk are either disguised as humans, or never intended to be humans.

there is much more to be said. what was already said is enough to describe the city. enough to sell the picture of how rotten is the world to which Damian has return. a world that he tried to forget on the past.

after driving for about two hours Damian stops in front of a warehouse. it was located on the south-west side of the city, around the limits of the city. it is a place where no one comes and also a place that no one will want to take.

"this property of boss. yu a mucho loco grandpa."

"what is your name? is it Jesus? Juan or Jose?"

"yes patron, it is Jose. how yu know patron? me wait, yo gone to do yur thing."

"yeah, you wait in here. I won't take too long."

"so are yu killing 'em all? or we take drugs?"

"you said it Jose. I am here to kill them all. and about the product, I will let it burn."

"yes, yes, yes. wood gringo, wood."

Damian gets out of the car. he walks holding a gun on each hand. he has some knives hidden under his clothing. he has enough bullets on him to kill as many of them as he can kill tonight. he came more than ready.

some guards try to stop Damian. he shoots at them. he didn't hesitate to shoot. he kills every living thing that moves. it wasn't a surprise attack, or an attack at all. it was an one-sided massacre and he was the hunter. they ran away like deer.

as Damian kept killing on the light of the moon, it was obvious that he was reliving his past days as the Blue Devil. he came to claim souls and to not play around. he came to eliminate those who dare to go against his will on his hunting ground.

like a beast he was covered on the blood of his victims. he isn't a good shooter. he is a bit rusty after years without holding a gun. but one thing is for sure. they all are nothing, or they just became nothing in front of the Blue Devil.

bullet after bullet. shot after shot. like flies they all fall. like insects they all succumb to their deep wounds. they all fall in front of the Blue Devil. it is time to meet fear. there is no coming back once Damian awakes the Blue Devil.

Damian runs out of bullets. he throws the guns on the floor. he gets out of the trance on which he was during the massacre. he looks around of him. there is only one man left. he is a young guy. he is crying.

the young man kneels asking for forgiveness. he asks for mercy. he wishes to live. but there was only one right answer. he knew there was nothing he could do. Damian stabs him on the neck with a small knife. the guy drops dead.

Damian walks away from the haunting scenario he left on the warehouse. he walks back to the car. by miracle, or stupidity Jose was still in there awaiting for Damian.

Damian takes some gallons of gasoline from the car. he went back to the warehouse. he burned down the whole place. it burn until the last gram of product was reduce to something less than ashes. Damian walks back to the car.

Jose was playing mobile games. Damian drives back to the bar. he tells Jose to leave. he also warns Jose that if they ever meet again he won't let him walk away alive again. Damian drives all night around of the city.

Damian is on his own personal vendetta. he is by himself. he is all alone against the city and everyone who gets on his way. once this is all over he will return to prison.


later that night.

Jose is in inside of an orphanage. it is located at the south of the city. the side that is mostly forgotten by others. the part on which only the poor or the fugitive occupy. none of the kids is related by blood to Jose.

the orphanage was close down twenty years ago. Jose was an orphan who grow up on the orphanage. after it close down he stayed in there. he adopted orphans as siblings. mostly the reason why he became a gunman was for his siblings.

Jose arrived late for dinner. he was scolded by his oldest sister. Jose laughs and makes lame jokes as he sits down. on a big table about fourteen siblings get ready to eat. Jose knows his job isn't good. but he is doing it for them.

tomorrow he will face Damian once more. this time he will need to kill him. one wrong action and he may lose everything that is dear to him. Jose chose the easy way to make money and he regrets nothing.

"chicos thanks for the dinner." said Jose with a huge smile.