Art's warmth through cold emotions part V [Final]

what is Vengeance? is it moral? or justifiable? can justice and vengeance become one and the same? or is it too dirty and too self-centered to ever compare to justice.

when does Vengeance starts? there are plenty of times on which the mortals act based on their morals or their desires. sometimes going after evil can be seen as something righteous. or trying to stop evil can be good. but when does it become vengeance?

is vengeance good or evil? why does it have a bitter taste? and more times than not it usually has a gray color. on the word revenge morality can't be found.

vengeance, oh sweet vengeance. you destroyer of lives. you condemn the mortal soul to eternal damnation. as well you slash the flesh after every lash. you break the bones on every step. oh you sweet evil that taste so bitter that forced us to swallow the pride.

revenge is a home-made craft, that will always come on all shapes and forms. oh revenge like a siren sings on your ear sweet nothings, then it slaps you with reality once the last song stops playing.

oh you can push the gentle and soft creatures into auto-destruction. by your hand giants had fallen. by your word the goodhearted had became monsters and animals.

there is not a single fingerprint left of your doing. but you always leave a trace of destruction and chaos on the hearts that you touch.

so what are you revenge? if you are not my ally, why is it that I can't see you as my enemy? then I must learn to live with you on my heart....

--Jean's book I, chapter VII.


Jacob is inside of the glass castle. he looks at a corpse. it is the corpse of a warrior, a beast once known as the Blue Demon. now he is just a corpse on the floor.

it is so easy for strong warriors to fall. it is so simple how even the strongest animal can either be tamed, or killed off. and in the middle of the conversation stands Jacob doubtful of what he is feeling right now.

does he feel sympathy for a fallen fellow warrior? or is it just an effect that is caused by seen the tragic death of someone who was once said to be invincible.

Jacob wonders if at that age we will also fall so easily. after all Damian Grinberg wasn't that much older than Jacob. that is another reason to retire before it's too late.

the word isn't going to wait for you. life is like a predator staying hidden pretending to become part of the scenario. then it bites once you get too close. we all become part of a certain type of Russian roulette since birth. at some point the bullet will hit.

Jacob looks at Daniel who stands in there crying quietly. Daniel had pretended to be strong all this time. he has avoided his emotions, but he isn't Jacob. unlike Jacob, Daniel is capable of feeling emotions.

Daniel Grinberg asks everyone else to leave the room. Jacob leaves with Sebastian at his side talking about random stuff. Sebastian asks Jacob about his retirement and then he asks about other things.

Sebastian makes a comment about becoming a dependent Hired Gun. working for Daniel has been fun. but he wants to work for anyone who pays well enough. why stay for one fragile human, when you can work for them all.

Jacob only listens to Sebastian never ending conversation. there are plenty of things that are more important on Jacob's mind. he doesn't have the time nor the will to listen to Sebastian's fragile ego.

"to retire at my age is a privilege, I don't see reason in working on something that doesn't bring me joy no more. I will be leaving the city soon."

"yeah. that sounds nice for someone who found the winter of his life. I am still young and inexperienced. so I plan on staying for as many seasons as I wish to."

Jacob leaves the glass castle without looking back. he saw Sebastian going back inside of the boss' room. Jacob keeps going without waiting to see the outcome.

there is something that feels out of place. the battle ended too easily. everyone was too quiet and too content. there is something that feels off. jet Jacob doesn't have the strength to make sure everything is right.

Jacob keeps walking downstairs. there are many things on his mind. his relationship with the two young ladies has become sour. is possible that it already ended. Jacob regrets nothing at all. he doesn't care anymore. he did what he needed to do.

if that was the end of their friendship, then he wasn't accepted at all. it isn't the first nor the last time someone runs after finding Jacob's true-self. there is nothing to fear. things had gone back to its normality. back to the mundane and acceptable.

he knew from the beginning that he was understood by no one. Jacob starts to regret letting those two become part of his life. as Jacob exits the tower he keeps thinking. then out of nowhere there is a loud noise. Jacob looks at his boss falling off the building.

the boss lands between some trees. then he lands on the concrete. Jacob runs towards the boss worry. he takes the boss on his shoulders. he gets Daniel's car keys from the lateral pockets. he gets inside of Daniel's car. he starts to drive.

Jacob drives as fast as possible. the nearest hospital is ten minutes away on car. Jacob tells Daniel to not close his eyes. he tries to keep him awake.

Jacob crashes against some cars. but he keeps driving without stopping. he finally arrives in front of the hospital. he carries his boss inside of the hospital.

Jacob called those who are the most loyal men working under Daniel. then he waited for a little while until there was someone else to protect the boss. once Jacob felt like his job was done. he walked away silently.

Jacob gets a taxi. he gets some messages and calls from Carmen. Jacob doesn't feel well right now. turns off his phone. then there is a long silence as Jacob gets back to his peaceful home. there is nothing more tranquil than going home after a long day of work.

Jacob wonders if he will ever be normal enough to make a family. Jacob knows that he can be a good mentor in certain aspects. but he doesn't feel like a man capable of becoming a father. he doubts he will ever be paternal material.

Jacob gets out of the taxi. he walks for some time under the light of the moon. there is something melancholic about the night. it looks like if the stars felt pity for his life.

Jacob gets inside of his house. he starts to take off his clothes. he stops for a moment. there is something that doesn't feel right. there is something that feels out of place. Jacob gets inside of his studio. he looks at Caroline observing his masterpiece.

"I didn't expected to have visits. tea or coffee? I had a long day. I don't feel like talking much today. how about tomorrow?"

"oh, I am fine. I just wanted to confirm something."

"alright. you are always welcome. what do you think about the painting? I thought about you once it was done. it reminded me of you somehow."

there are some silent seconds as Jacob prepares some tea. he smiles thinking about how lively his home has become. but there is something that feels off. Jacob turns around to look at Caroline holding a gun.

there is no need for an explanation, nor for Jacob to feign ignorance. it is as clear as water why she is doing it. it is all about vengeance. it is all about giving back the pain that was deliver once. Jacob wonders who did he killed.

finding the truth won't do any good. he already took those lives. lives that can't be return so easily once they are taken.

"it seems that you know why, but do you really know WHY?"

"I am a killer. I kill for a living, of course there are meant to be people seeking retaliation against the villain who took their loved one's soul. I am heartless, not brain dead."

"do you know how hard was for me to get close to my parents' killer? and how harder was to pull the gun after falling madly in love for such a cruel animal. I feel disgust by just thinking about those emotions that you make me feel. I am disturbed by myself."

"I am not clueless. I could see that there was something off about your pure smile. there was something off about your desire to become my friend."

"I came here seeking vengeance, not some soap opera at my parents' killer side."

Jacob didn't know how to answer. he had plans about a life after retirement. but now that things had turn out like that. he is fine with whatever the outcome can be. the truth is that he can't care less about life.

if that is how things are meant to end. then there is no regret. he lived a long and healthy life on a colorful city. maybe, just maybe everything that happened before was leading towards this moment.

someone knocks on the door. Caroline gets nervous. she aims at the door. the door is slowly been opened by Carmen. there is a bang. Jacob looks at blood coming out of Carmen's t-shirt. she falls on her knees.

Jacob starts to walk towards Carmen. he takes a look at her wound. it isn't as bad as it looks with all that blood. she is going to survive. Jacob tries to stop the bleeding. he tells Carmen that everything is going to be okay.

Caroline is aiming the gun at Jacob. she doesn't know what to do. she can either kill them both or run away now. there aren't much options. she is running out of time. she feels conflicted about her emotions and desires.

"someone heard the gunshot. someone called the cops by now. run, it isn't too late jet."

"what? why?"

"I don't want you to ruin your life like that. I can tell the cops that it was some robber. now leave, the cops are coming."

Caroline kisses a painting that reminds her of her dead family. then she leaves. she took the gun with her. she felt bad for her actions.

Jacob is holding Carmen's hand as he awaits for an ambulance.

today was truly an awful day. and there are many tomorrows to come. there is so much to think about. and so little that he is capable of controlling on his own life.

the ambulance arrive on time. they took Carmen. just as he promised Jacob lied to the authorities and told them it was a failed robbery. he hopes that Caroline is somewhere safe from the scope of the law.

Jacob find it ironic that a cold killer like himself saved two lives on one single night. for once he saved more lives than the ones he took on that same day. and like that the night finally came to its end.


4 Days Later.

Jacob is drinking a cold coffee with no sugar inside of a cafe.

Caroline gets inside of the cafe. she sits next to him. none of them is brave enough to start a conversation. then she starts asking about Carmen.

with all honesty Jacob tells her that there is nothing to worry about. he asks her to visit her friend whenever she is free. Jacob starts to talk about how much Carmen misses her best friend.

"aren't you going to question my actions? I tried to hurt you."

"no. I had done worst."

"aren't you even angry? I tried to kill you."

"I know. I had already forgiven that incident."

"then why did you asked me to met you here today?"

Jacob silently smiles. he looks at the table with sorrowful eyes. with a calm and elegant voice he starts to explain his circumstances. then he finally says goodbye to her. she was for a short time his first and only friend.

It won't sound appropriate to say that he felt lonely, but he was on plenary solitude. there were some inner ruins falling apart. he was socially inept. Jacob was all alone on the world before finding Caroline's friendship.

Jacob haven't found love jet. he may never find it at all. but at least he can say that he lived on plenitude those days that he had Caroline's friendship. their relationship may never be the same given the circumstances. jet it was enough as long as it lasted.

there is nothing to forgive nor forget. Jacob had already erased that night from his mind and from his memories. he prefers to walk away now, than to keep hurting Caroline. the person who showed Jacob the beauty about life.

Jacob said goodbye. he stands up and leaves. he looks a final time at Caroline. she cries loudly acknowledging her mistake. her error. her emotions.

Jacob will leave the city some day. but first he has 12 days left to follow Daniel's orders. and for the time been there will be a lot of work with a Gang War coming soon.