6. Her Gaze

We reached the South Building and immediately climbed a flight of stairs. The South building is contained in the 4th floor building where each floor has five classrooms. The laboratory building is still separate so you can only see classrooms here.

We went up another stairs to the left because our classroom was on the second floor. From where we walk, you can see a maze garden. Grandpa loves the maze and the way he built this school is according to his wishes and passions.

We stopped opposite a classroom where we belonged. Bulk knocked on the door and soon someone opened it. A beautiful, and 25-year-old looks like he opened the door and opened the door. In her dress and posture, she looks like a teacher.

"Yes? Who are you?" she spoke kindly to us.

"We are late enrollees, Ms. The admin said here is our classroom." Bulk explained.

"Is that so? Come in." she invited us and preceded us in entering. Bulk looked at me first before he followed the teacher.

When we entered the classroom, different kinds of faces appeared to us but I did not look at them. I rolled my eyes across the classroom but I could see nothing but miniatures figures of various businesses on top of the large gold transparent cabinets. At the back of the seats is a large locker for student use. Each locker is placed in each classroom so as not to hassle for students to go out and enter the classroom just to get their belongings in the locker.

I rolled my eyes again at the back part when I saw a familiar face. I did not know we had the same course and section. She was also looking at me and I could see the shock in her eyes so I immediately took my eyes off her.

"Class, they are your new classmates. They are late enrollees." the teacher said to them. "Kindly, introduce yourself, boys." he turned to us.

I did not know that even in college you need to introduce yourself. When I was 1st year I did not go to the first day of school because I was drunk. Just like elementary ones!

Bulk immediately waved at them and smiled, "Hi! I'm Bulk Zhijiang. Nice meeting you all!" he introduction so they applauded and the other women shuddered because of it. Really annoying slut women.

Smiling, Ms. turned to me. so I spoke with no interests. "I'm Haji Zhu."

The others applauded and just like they did to Bulk, there were screaming women who were double in strength compared to what they did to Bulk. I wanted to sit down so I immediately turned to the teacher. "Where are we going to sit?" I asked disrespectfully.

She stumbled upon what I asked and immediately smiled. She pointed to the chair in the back of Lia's chair. I don't want to be close to where she stands but there is no choice because I want to sit near a window because I am sleepy. I want to sleep more. Bulk sat next to me and smiled to a girl next to him. Womanizer!

After we sat down, Ms. immediately started discussing. about his subject. I did not listen because I could not use them because I did not have to manage a business. Lhou should study it because Grandpa will inherit the company from him.

I laid my head on the table and closed my eyes. The heavy rain immediately fell. So drowsiness became even more appealing. Because I was so awake from work, I just slept instead of listening to a useless discussion.


"How are you sleeping? Delicious?" Bulk laughed as he sat in front of me and ate coffee.

"Shut up, Bulk." I have no emotional response. He leaned back in his chair and looked straight at me.

"Stop being able to work, so you can study well." he replied worriedly.

I also sipped coffee to warm my stomach because of the cold weather brought by heavy rain. "That job is more important to me than studying It, Bulk." I replied seriously and he sighed because of that.

"I don't know about you. You stubborn!" asik niya.

I ignored him and kept looking at my coffee. We are here at the coffee shop inside the school because we can't go out. We spend time before the class starts again on another subject. Many of my classmates are also here and are willing to be with us but since Bulk knows me, we prefer to stay away from them.

Bulk was also looking around when he suddenly laughed and faced me again.

"Haji, look at that oh?" he laughed so I immediately looked at what he was pointing at.

I immediately took my gaze away from what he was pointing at. I can't stand it.

"You're really handsome! Until now, many people still like you hahaha!" he teased.

"Shut up!" I was annoyed by his response because of his noise.

"Why is the woman looking at you, it's our classmate, isn't it?" he asked curiously. "From the moment we entered the classroom until you fell asleep he was looking at you." he added.

I did not speak and just listened to what he was saying. He laughed again and spoke. "Maybe I fell in love with you at first sight."

"That's impossible." I assured him so he would keep quiet.

"Oh? Why?"

"Is it possible that you will like the person who stole your money?" my serious response caused him to remain silent and surprised myself.

"What did you say??" He asked incredulously.

"You heard me, Bulk."

"What did you do with the money ?!" he replied angrily.

"I lost my wallet and I lost gas. So I took his money to buy gas." I explain.

He stumbled and frowned at my answer. "You should have called me!" he replied annoyed. I know He didn't like what I did but I did.

"I was drunk then, do you think I could call you? You know what I do when I'm drunk So don't be surprised." I was sick of him.

He sighed because of that. " What's your plan?" he asked as he calmed himself.

"Nothing." my short answer.

"What do you mean nothing?!"

"I don't have any money yet so just come later." I just answered to finish this conversation. I don't want to talk because it's tiring.

The rain has stopped. That's why I thought of leaving the coffee shop to go to the next class even though I was not interested in listening.

When it stopped raining we immediately left the coffee shop and went back to the classroom. Almost everything is gone So I thought of going to sleep again because I was still drowsy. Bulk, on the other hand, said goodbye for a while to go to the bathroom.

I have not yet closed my eyes when someone approached me and sat down next to me and touch me, "Are you free tonight, Haji?" said the woman who looked like a clown because of the thickness of the make-up.

I did not say a word and immediately pushed her away from me. Because of my push, she almost fell but was caught by three men. Maybe her friend.

"What's with you? Why did you push Shiang?! You jerk?!" one asked angrily and I was about to be punched when I preceded him.

The other two of them were surprised so they were ready to kick me when I kicked them at the same time causing them to jump out of their chairs. The other classmates looked at me and Bulk came along. That's why I was shocked when a man suddenly punched me, causing the bottom of my lip to explode.

"Haji!" Bulk shouted and rushed to run towards me.

"What's goin' on here?!" Ms. shouted. that just arrived too.

"He pushed Shiang Ms.!" he replied and pointed at me.

Ms. looked at me angrily. and approached where I stood. "You're new here but already make trouble? What happened Mr. Zhu?" she asked.

Instead of answering her, I hurried out of the classroom and walked down the hallway. I heard Bulk calling me but I ignored him. When I came out of the hallway, I was stopped by someone I saw on a bench. A mother and a boy wiping the child's wet clothes. I was stop and stared.

Even though I don't want to think about it, my mother's face automatically entered my mind. Those times when we bathed in the rain together and chased each other even though the road was slippery and muddy. I took out my hand and applied it to the falling raindrops earlier and looked up at the sky.

'Mom, where are you?' I asked myself.

I could feel the hot liquid dripping from my eyes as the heavy rain poured down again. I felt Bulk tap me on the shoulder causing my spirit to return to reality. Unconsciously I stopped walking so I immediately went and secretly wiped the tears from my right eye.

"Are you okay?" Bulk asked worriedly. I did not answer him and resumed walking.

'I do not want to be weak in the eyes of others because every time I weaken, it is more impossible to be with you.'