The Rise and Fall of Reinhard Part 1 (Volume 2)

Reinhard's past. The story of his Rise and Fall.

He is thinking about his tragic past. A past that he can't forget. But his past, he is writing it in a book, in order to give the new generations a hope in their life. Reinhard wants to encourage them by writing a novel.

Reinhard past talking to himself here.

Knowing the limit of a man is important. But the burden I'm carrying is heavy. I don't know if I can live more years carrying this burden. I act like nothing happened so that others can't see my past. Acting as a strong man, but in the end, I'm nothing but a coward.

I created a Guild. And the guild is the strongest guild in the Reverse World. But, some soldiers of the guild, nobles, and even the King didn't like me. they didn't like the fact that a commoner like me, has created a strong guild in the Kingdom of Sina. Yes, you heard it correctly. I am a Commoner.

Why? you ask. Because...

My father died because he was eaten by a demon. My father is kind to others. He is a farmer here in the Reverse World. He was eaten in the middle of the work on the farm, harvesting some good fruits.

His body was thrown in front of our house. At first, I thought it was just a bird that falls off in our house. I ignored it. Because I was busy reading some novel books from my favorite author. But after a few hours, the body began to smell. I hurriedly go to the front of our house to bury the bird that falls off in front of our house. But, instead of a corpse of a bird laying there, I saw my father's body.

This body is in half. Only the upper. The body has a missing part. He has no left eye, no right arm, and his stomach has a hole. His body is covering by blood. After I saw the corpse, I suddenly fell down. I was too surprised at what I've seen. I don't know what to do. I ask myself "Should I cry or ask for help?" I don't know what to do. I'm panicking. And then I cried. I can't help myself but cry. It's hard to believe that my father is dead. I cried for about 10 minutes, thinking of my father's good work. And then, I started to the thought that I have to move on. In this world, it's kill or be killed. I decided to bury my father's corpse in the backyard. I cleaned the blood and stenches of his corpse.

And then, I decided to write a letter to my sister. My sister is a college student. She is studying in Japan. She is kind and helpful to others. After work, she has a part-time job. The 50% of her salary, she's giving it to us through the sender of the letter. Of course, this year is 1967. In the letter, I told to her that our father died and killed by a demon. After a few weeks later, the sender of the letter gave me a letter from my sister. I was so excited to open this. I thought to myself that maybe there is money or maybe good news from her. But instead of Good news, I read a piece of Bad news, depression one. In the letter, it says:

"Reinhard, I'm sorry but, let's separate our ways here. I mean, let's live a new life. Let's not interfere with one another. Maybe you're wondering why? I go myself a boyfriend. And... I am pregnant now. I'm living here with him. He promised me that he will protect me. So, sorry. But one day, if faith, allows us to meet again, I will treat you to a restaurant here. Here is a 500 US Dollar money. I hope you can use it in your daily expenses. Sorry and Goodbye."

This is a depression letter. I don't know but, I guess this is a curse to myself. I can't believe it. After our father died, she decided to leave me. My mother left us a long time ago so I'm alone.

The reason why my mother left us is that my father is rich. My father is rich at that time. But, after my father married my mother, he got into too many debts because of our mother. my mother is always at the casino doing some gambling. She decided to left us when she knows that our father is starting to become poor. The last news I heard about her is, she married a nobleman. But even though she married a nobleman, she got herself part-time work. She didn't tell this part-time work to anyone, even to her own husband. The part-time job is called Prostitute.

I don't know. I can't understand the way the world works. Until I decided to suicide.

The day I will suicide is raining. But, The preparations for suicide are ready. Only I am not. When I'm going to stab myself, someone knocked on our door. I curiously opened the door. Thinking that maybe some guards of Sina knew that I buried my father in the backyard. But, it doesn't concern me, even though they arrest me or kill me, I won't escape. When I opened the door, Instead of soldiers of Sina knocking on the door, A beautiful noble girl knocked. About the same age as me. She asks me that can she stay at my house for a day? Because it's raining. I agreed and I gladly welcome her. Because this is love. Yes, love at first sight. I fell in love with a noble. But, I knew that we can't be together. Because I'm a commoner and she's a noble.

She asks if I'm the only one who's living here, then I replied yes, I told her what happened to my family. Knowing that she will ask it.

After I told her my tragic life, She just laughs. Of course, I decided to accept it, the fact that a noble will laugh at my story. The rain stops when she laughs and someone suddenly enters my house, yes soldier. I thought to myself that I was set up by this noble. She stood up after she laughs, and go to the place where the soldier is standing. And then, there, she offered her hands to me, with a bright smile, a smile with hope. And then she said this:

"You lived yourself with a tragic past. The way you talk earlier is full of regrets. But hey, You let me enter your house, offer a coffee, and don't have a bad thought to a noble. Why not come with me and live together? Why don't you try to become a strong person? In order to protect the people, you want to protect. I will lend you my hand in order to achieve those your dreams. Come with me."

She said this with a lively voice, with a smile on her face, and hope in every word.

Yes, Right in front of me is not just a normal person, it is a light that I've been seeking for. A light of hope.

I decided to accept her offer, and I come with her.

Yes, I remember my father's favorite quote, "When the father's figure dies, his child will surely cry."

And then, I decided to live a new life, together with her.

To be Continued OwO ----->