
Both sides run towards each other to fight! Although the Top 10 Prodigies is 10x stronger than the student council, The student council didn't hesitate to fight them.

*Badass song intensifies. Go search AoT s4 osts for a badass feeling."

Conversation and Fight scenes:

Zayon runs forward to Aomine with an intent to Kill. Aomine aims his gun at Zayon and fired it but he missed the shot. he asked himself:

"Have I missed my shot before?!"

He asked curiously with a surprised face.

Zayon smiled and upswing his sword at Aomine. Zayon keeps attacking Aomine with his sword. Aomine is dodging every swing but his visions are getting blurry. It's because of Zayon's ability "The Fool".


"Looks like my ability is the perfect match against you. Keep struggling until your teammates are destroyed."

He said confidently with a badass voice.


"Damn you, Zayon!"

He replied.

Until Aomine's vision got blurry. His vision on the floor got reversed. From down to up, up to down, from left to right, right to left, and forward and backward are reversed.


"Na-Nani? Why my vision got reversed? The Heck is this?!"

He whispered to himself curiously.


"Pretty good, huh? Doing things in reverse is my specialty."

He said while smiling and floating in the air.

Aomine is studying his ability although it will take some time. He needs to buy some time to study it.

"Damn it! I'm getting dizzier if I think about it! Wh-what is this feeling?!"

He whispered to himself curiously while falling to the floor.

*Zayon is coming down from floating.*


"Let me tell you one general thing: The more you think about my ability, the more headache you will get. Stop thinking about it. Focus on how you will beat me."

He said with a calm expression. Zayon let his guard down.

Zayon did not know that Aomine is waiting for the chance to let his guard down. Aomine stands up from the floor. Aomine aims the Flame Arrow to Zayon. Aomine used the black hole to suck the reverse ability.

*Another Badass music starts here. Try the AoT s4 Reiner theme.*


"That won't work. Even if you aim me that attack, it will surely be missed."

He said calmly with his guard down.

Aomoine talked to Nico.

*Nico is the name of Aomine's soul weapon. Nico is a boy. He is the Flame Arrow. He can transform himself into an animal (A dog). This soul weapon is very lazy, and he is always sleeping, but, he is intelligent when it comes to battle. When he is transforming himself into an animal, he will become a cream-colored dog with a dark gray wolf pattern on its hide. Its eyes are red and the tip of its tail has an emit of Storm Flames. Its ears are brown.*


"Nico. I want to use that."

He said while looking at the sky.


"Go ahead. I won't stop ya'."

He said it with a boring expression.

Aomine took a deep breath and he concentrates to form the attack he will use.

He aimed his left arm bow or flames arrows with a serious face and he said:

"Thou shall not die in the name of my Arrows. Burn to ashes to atone your sins. And..."

[He stopped talking for 5 seconds and...]



"Hmmm? What a tremendous power. If he aims this attack at me it will surely miss, but..."

He whispered to himself and stop thinking.

Aomine releases his attack after he said the chant. A silent attack but destructible. 5 seconds before it lands on Zayon.

Nico is counting before the impact;




"This is bad! If this attack hit me, I will surely die! I have to release my second sword!

He said nervously. It's as if he's about to die.




"Trickster: Kai!"

(Trickster: Release!)

He said and after he released this, He hurriedly hides in the shadows.



*sound effects*

After that, Aomine said the name of that form.

"Arashi no sutairu: Gyakkō suru no kata: Burakkuhōru no arashi."

(Storm style: Reverse form: Storms of Blackhole.)

He said it with a low voice yet with a badass tone.

The attack didn't aim at Zayon but the attack aims at the reverse ability.

The other participants were surprised at Aomine's tremendous power.

*Little did you know, that Aomine and Zayon were in a box. If you release the reverse ability, the user and the enemy will transfer to the box. If the vision of the enemy got blurry, they will automatically transfer to the box and the enemy won't feel anything that they are transferring to the box. The Box was created by Zayon, so Zayon can control or use it as he please. It's an add-on to his ability.*

Aomine knew that they are being transferred to the box from the start. Because Zayon can't fly from the start. The box is a creation of Zayon, so Zayon can control it as he please.

Aomine and Zayon were already out of the box. But Zayon can't believe that he loses the match.

Zayon is now removed from the Match. The score is 1-0. 1 point to the Top 10 Prodigy and 0 to the Student Council.

Aomine can continue to fight but he chooses to rest. He wanted his team to get wiped out so that he can solo the Student councils.

*Search Counter Attack of Humanity for a badass intensifies.*

Ken vs Kc will be the next match.


"Just because you're my lover, doesn't mean I'm going to lose. I won't show mercy to you."

She said seriously.

"I'm sorry Ken. I won't give up anymore. I'll never give up again. Once I'm dead I won't able to remember you. So I'll win no matter what I'll live no matter what."

She whispered to herself.


"Is that so? Well, do as you please. I have no intention of losing either."

He replied with a badass voice.

"I'm not going to protect you by being your shield or armor, but I'll be the dagger hidden below your pillow."

He whispered to himself.

*On the other side:*

Alexis vs Red (School President vs top 1 Prodigy):


"What are your plans for the upcoming war?"

He asked curiously with a calm expression.


"If we only focus on making the best moves, we will never get the better of our opponent. When necessary, we must be willing to take big risks and be prepared to lose everything. Unless we changed how we fight, we cannot win."

He replied with a calm expression and a badass voice.


"Everyone can choose after they have learned what it will result in. It is so easy to say we should have done it this way afterward. But you can't know what your choice will result in before actually choosing. A lot of the time, you're going into a situation you know nothing about. So what you need is to be quick to act… and make tough decisions in worst-case scenarios. Always remember, This world is cruel."

He replied with a calm expression.


"That's right… This world… is cruel. It hit me that living was like a miracle. The world is crammed with cruelty. Only victors are allowed to live. This world is merciless like that. But, I don't have time to worry if it's right or wrong, you can't hope for a horror story with a happy ending. No matter how messed up things get, we can always figure out the best solution."

He replied while releasing a gravity in his hand.


"Going against the flow… takes a lot of courage. I respect that. Maybe people who can do it are just stupid, but… Well… What I'm sure of is that people like that are rare. You're not a strong person, so you can really understand how weak people feel. I mean… Most humans are weak, including me… But if I got an order from someone who saw things as I do, no matter how tough it was, I'd do my damnedest to carry it out."

He replied while preparing to attack.

*Sad song intensifies:*

*Tayshall and Reinhard side:*


"Ever since I joined the Pyramid Feathers, I've had people dying on me every day. But you understand, don't you? One day or another, everyone you care about eventually dies. It's something we simply can't accept. It's a realization that could drive you insane. What the hell are you thinking?"

Tayshall asked Reinhard with a curiosity.


"To surpass monsters, you must be willing to abandon your humanity. Willpower alone isn't enough in battle. We must be willing to take big risks and be prepared to lose everything. In order to win, we have to sacrifice. People who can't throw something important away can never hope to change anything."

He replied with a badass voice.


"Even in moments of the deepest despair… I guess we can still find hope, huh?"

He replied with a calm expression.


"The future of humanity will be doomed. Having said that, I'm not about to sit around while all the students get slaughtered. I am the first commander of the Pyramid Feathers. I won countless wars. Even if this is all a mistake, we will continue based on the values and the logic that we believe in."

He said calmly.

Also Reinhard:

"Hinahangad ng Sina and kasarinlan, at pananatilihin kong buhay ang adhikain ng aking bayan hanggang sa katapusan. Mas magandang mamatay sa digmaan..."

(The Sina Nation seeks for its independence, and I will strive to attain my country's cause until the very end. It's better to die in battle...)


"Kesa tanggaping ang pamumuno ng dayuhan."

(Than to accept any foreign rule.)


"Kung panaginip lamang ang umasa sa pag-unlad..."

(If progress is just a dream...)


"Managinip tayo hanggang sa kamatayan."

(Then let us dream on until death.)


"Hindi magtatagal, para sa pag-ibig sa inang bayan..."

(Soon, for love of our motherland...)

(They spoke together.) Tayshall and Reinhard:

"Waring dalang isang lihim na mensahe, dinali tayo ng isang nakakubling kamay, at tinapon na parang mga dahon sa gitna ng sigwa."

(As if by some hidden message, we are snatched by a hidden hand, and tossed about like leaves in a stormy wind.)

They said emotionally.


"Hindi magtatagal, tayo'y magiging nag alipuyok na alabok na lamang."

(Soon, we will all just be whirlwinds of dust.)

He said emotionally.

Tayshall has his tears in his eyes. Looking back in the past where all their comrades died in the last war. Regretting his decisions.

---> To be continued... --->