I wake up in my bed and i sit up. I walk to the kitchen and see Kathie making food. I walk up behind her and hug her waste.
"Ah sara you scared me love"
"I'm sorry"
I keep hugging her and i put my head on her shoulder. She turns around after putting the food on the plate. She looks at me.
"So how did you sleep," she asks
"Good until you left," I say smiling. She laughs.
"Sorry love. I had to make your food."
"Aw, I love you" I keep hugging her and she picks me up and puts me on the couch. She walks back and puts some food on a plate. She walks back and hands it to me. I eat it and lick my lips.
"Holy cow mmm" I say drooling
"Like it?" kathie asks
"Oh my gosh this is the most amazing thing in the world."
"Hehe i'm glad you like it" kathie says. I stuff my face and finish the food. I put the plate in the sink. I walk back and turn on the tv. I lay in kathie's lap and look up at her. I smile then close my eyes.
I watch the show and hold onto kathie. She's warm like no one else. She's like a drop of sunshine.