We sit down and order. I put the hood of my hoodie on and pull on the stings. Jenna puts her arm around me and pulls me onto her shoulder. She takes my hood off and fixes my hair.
"No hood's, not today." Jenna says in a soft kind voice.
"Fine," I say in a raspy voice
We wait for a while and finally our food comes out I eat about half of my salad and Jenna packs it up to save it. I sit there waiting for her to finish her salad. She finishes and throws her trash away. I hold my sprite in my hand and walk out to the car. I get in the back.
Jenna opens the door and points to the driver side seat. I get up and get into the front. Jenna hands me my left overs and starts driving back. I see a girl that looks like Kathie. My heart flutters and my eyes fill with tears. I look away from Jenna.
"I know your crying Sara, why do you turn away still?" Jenna asks
"B-because I'm an u-ugly crier," I say wiping the tears from my eyes.
"Oh shut up Sara, everyone cries, it's part of life." she puts her hand on my hand and rubs it. I look at her and smile a little.
"Thanks, Jen," I say softly grabbing her hand and putting it back on the searing weal. She chuckles and we get to her house. I get out and open the door I walk to the guest room and close the door. I flop onto the bed and hug the big blanket. Jenna opens the door and smiles at me.
"Stop closing the dang door." she says kindly and walks away. I put the big heavy blanket over me and walk out then sit on the couch.
"Huh finally coming out of that room. I'm proud of you." she walks over and throws her arms around me. I lay my head on her and close my eyes.
"Thanks, Jen." I put the blanket over us and turn on the TV. I watch the TV and eat the left overs of my salad. Jen gets up and starts to do something I'm too sucked into my favorite show cattron. After a few episodes, I get up and look at Jen. She has a drink and a nice dinner set up. For the first time in a long, I smile again a real smile not a half smile. Jen looks at me and smiles too.
"Sara, your smiling" she says in a happy voice.
"Did you do all this for me?" i ask
"yep now, let's eat!"