Are you Jessica's new secretary?

"Is this what you usually do in the morning?"

The man managed to get the crazy woman out of his arms.

The woman grinned and stopped attacking the man in front of her. "It would be a different story if that man wasn't you, Hans."

The woman's hand touches the man's jaw with a sensual movement. Her fingers cleaned the lipstick stain on the corner of the man's lips. Erasing every trace of her kiss there.

"Seduce me will not give you any benefit. Instead, it makes my assessment of you even lower."

"You mean my score is low in your eyes? Then what about that woman? She was changing men every day or every week, doesn't that seem lower in your eyes?"

"Those men, they are nothing in my eyes. So there is no reason for me to look down on him. Haven't you been understanding her long enough?"

"What do I understand, Hans? I don't understand anything about you. You said you liked her, but now you're going to leave here and go marry another woman."

"Wanda, forget about me!"

"But loved you, Hans."

"I love her too, but I can't be by her side. Isn't this fair to you?"

Wanda hissed, her attempts to tease Hans didn't work out the way she had hoped.

The plan was to get Hans himself. Wanda asked Jessica to let Hans be her assistant for some time so that Wanda had a chance to approach him.

Even if Wanda was willing to surrender all of herself to Hans, that man would continue to reject her.

"Not everything we want can be fulfilled. This time, Jessica let me be here with you, in the future, I will not even glance at you even if she asked me to do it."


"Fix the clause!"

"When will SM Construction start to cut and fill our land?"

"Where's the FLORENCE market test report and where's my coffee, Jonathan!"

Calling his name right is good. But this gave birth to an even worse feeling than when Jessica called him Hans.

The woman's freezing turned into lava that was erupting. Jessica has been blasting all morning. As if nothing satisfied that day.

"What happened to Miss J? Why is she like that today?" Jimmy is there to pick up documents for the vice president.

"I don't know, take this and have Mr. Adam fix the clause. I have to call the director of marketing for a market test report."

Jessica was not in a good mood that day. She's lost an essence since yesterday and it affected her performance today. I don't know since when this woman lost her self-control.


"Are you Jessica's new secretary?"

"I ..." It was not Jonathan, Jimmy was there to deliver back the contract that was fixed by the vice president. But because Jonathan wasn't at his desk, the man sat in an empty chair and tried to take on the role of secretary to the president. Something in his dreams.

"Can I see her now?"

Jimmy immediately recognized the man he was talking to. He should have chased him away with all he could but he was too afraid of the man in front of him. So Jimy could only nod and let the man pass his desk.

Knock knock knock!

The man knocked on Jessica's door, waiting for an opportunity to enter. But there is no response for the first three beats.

The man knocked again and finally got permission to enter.

"Stop knocking and get in!" an unfriendly answer in a rather high tone.

"Hi! Am I bothering you?"

December 5th, 2020