I See You in Another Arms

"What's the matter with you? Why don't you look happy?"

Should Julian tell Claudia?

He glanced at the manager who was also still keeping his mouth shut. Like it wasn't time for Julian to talk about it to Claudia yet.

What's more, so far nothing has gone according to plan. Julian had something on his head, he had to tread carefully for now.

Julian recently realized he had made a mistake when he faced Jessica in the beginning and their contract of cooperation ended up being messed up. He had to think of another way to deal with a woman like Jessica.

Jessica wasn't like Claudia or the women Julian usually met. This woman is at the top of the food chain. So it takes a special strategy to conquer it.

Before Julian succeeded, he also still needed to control Claudia. These women were still in control of his life so Julian couldn't take any more rash actions. Be it when facing Claudia or Jessica.


"Dad, we got it all."