Disowned Child

At first Agra thought he might mistake Jonathan for someone he knew. But when Jessica mentioned that Jonathan was also someone from the Capital City, her confidence grew a bit. When he saw it, Agra felt he had seen Jonathan somewhere.

The man resembled someone he knew. But who is it? Where Agra may have met Jonathan?

"So what have you got? How's the record?"

Adrian took a deep breath before answering Jessica's question. They did a video call but the woman didn't even appear on the screen and just sounded like an important person who didn't want to be seen. What is this ?

"No records other than flights to Singapore. I really can't find anything else. Maybe someone used his cell phone to send messages from there."

If it wasn't then Adrian had no other plausible explanation.

"You mean Hans never came to City A ?" Did Adrian just say that he had come in vain?

"Yeah, it could happen. Hans might never go to City A airport."