Unpredictable Movements


I sighed deeply as Asthia's eyes closed, her mind finally resting as she drifted off into a light slumber. She had been awake for almost thirty hours, and the fact that the Princess hadn't shown any signs of weakness or fatigue emphasized how incredible she really was.

Even so, it had been an entire week since our last confrontation with Ares's forces, but for some reason, they hadn't pressed forward and continued their attack. Were they simply waiting outside the forest?

I stood up, leaving the small tent and approaching the Captain who was next in command after Asthia and me. The princess had insisted that I be given a high-ranking position with the Dragon military, a request that was immediately accepted by every soldier in the camp.

"Captain Ry," I said, the towering Dragon turning as his eyes met mine, "I'm going ahead to scout the enemy's forces. Please look after Asthia."