
"Sir, a massive army has appeared to the East," reported a scout as he hurriedly entered the tent. I looked up from the giant map, noticing the visible happiness that was spread across his face. This wasn't a message bringing despair, but rather, a message signaling the beginning of hope.

"Who is it?" I asked, confirming my suspicions.

"The Imanian army, sir. They've arrived."

I nodded, straightening myself up. There was no way Ares would allow our allies to join us without resistance. If the S-rank played his cards correctly, he would most likely be able to separate both armies while simultaneously massacring thousands of enemy lives.

I exited the tent, thousands of men already lined up and awaiting my orders. They had all felt the massive shift in the atmosphere, realizing that something was about to occur. I spotted Mia standing to the side, her face facing the ground. Her eyes glanced momentarily at me, meeting my gaze as the girl gave a quick nod.