The Faros


"It's become clear that the Dwarves are receiving more and more high-ranked adventurers at the frontlines," I announced, facing both Dragon and Imanian commanders. The only individual not present at the meeting was the one who could understand my thoughts from thousands of kilomels away, but his absence felt disturbing.

"Then why don't we crush them right now?" asked Diana's second in command: Commander Surge. The answer seemed obvious, but for some reason, all of the Imanian commanders believed this to be the correct course of action.

"Because we'll lose, Commander. We can barely hold off their attacks as it stands. If we were to also give them the advantage of defensive positions, we'd be wiped out in a matter of minutes," I explained slowly.

"Ridiculous. I'm sure your Supreme Commander would see otherwise. As long as he's somewhat human, I'm sure reasonable thinking would be something he'd be able to achieve."