
I watched Typhon walk on stage, his massive greatsword strapped on his back. The minotaur was immediately showered with applause, his people welcoming back the strongest warrior in their kingdom with pride.

The thousands of monsters released small fireflies from their palms, illuminating the area. I couldn't tell if it was a ritual of welcoming of some sorts, but it was fascinating nonetheless. The pale green glow of the bugs melded beautifully with the brown tone of the area, the rough bark reflecting the small lights fluttering around.

I remained hidden in the shadows, waiting for my queue to join Typhon in front of the people of Pandora.

"I thank you, my friends," said the black minotaur, raising his hand to calm the excitement of the crowd. I noticed the change in Typhon's tone and attitude, his outwards appearance much calmer when addressing his fellow Faros. "I have news for you all about the surface, so please remain calm and listen to what I have to say."