Hope in the Dark

I made my way down the narrow streets of Eloria, making sure to avoid the main avenues. A city that once roared with livelihood had been reduced to what felt like a small village, the occasional chatter amongst small groups echoing throughout the areas.

The anger and anguish of the citizens had overtaken the capital of Imania, and I knew a large majority of those emotions were directed toward the Dragonkin. My life obviously not in danger, but something about the atmosphere made me want to cower away in shame.

Maybe it was a bad idea to go to the Cadmium household. 

Jay had started the war to protect me and my people... and I wouldn't be surprised if they blamed me for their son's current state. He had done so much and risked his life so many times to protect me, and I had done nothing in return.

All I could do was repent for my mistakes by trying to save him.