Holocaust 2 Electric Booga...You Get the Idea.

Fade In


A COUPLE walks down the road, they seem rather drunk, almost to a blackout stage, as they stagger towards a town that's about a few hundred yards away through a FIELD CROSSING. 

THE COUPLE help each other stay afoot, all the while they are sucking face and groping each other before they stop as they notice something appearing in the FIELD CROSSING. 

THE TWO look to see a LARGE WAREHOUSE like building with skylights and loud TECHNO MUSIC playing from within as people are suddenly appearing and walking inside, covered in glow sticks, shooting up heroin, and having sex. 

THE COUPLE head towards the CLUB, the TWO not seeming to notice the large SWASTIKA  glowing brightly on the front of the BUILDING. 


The COUPLE look about as a GIANT DANCEFLOOR is covered with strange BDSM cladded GERMAN MEN and WOMEN. THE COUPLE SMILE as some men come over and decorate them with GLOW STICKS and some tabs of ECS as a WOMAN comes over and rubs the MAN'S SHOULDERS. 


I am VANKA, welcome to the HOLOCAUST 2...


HOLOCAUST 2...? What kinda place...(burping) is this? 


Oh you'll see...

A group of BEAUTIFUL GERMAN WOMEN lead the MAN off, The WOMAN not seeming to care or notice as VANKA leads her threw the DANCEFLOOR, towards a ROOM in the BACK. 


VANKA leads the WOMAN into the back pass a few people who were having sex, but with their entrails hanging out as the WOMAN notices and raises an eyebrow as VANKA pushes her suddenly against the wall, the WOMAN looking frightened a bit as VANKA kisses her very passionately, rubbing her left hand slowly up her thigh as she then presses her hand up into the WOMAN'S SKIRT, the WOMAN huffing in ecstasy as VANKA smirks, leaning in as she works her hand in-between the WOMAN'S legs, VANKA pressing her lips softly against the WOMAN'S EAR. 


You're juden aren't you? 




Are you Jewish, doll? 




Very good. 

VANKA steps away and pulls her hand out from beneath the JEWISH WOMAN'S skirt and watches as TWO MEN DRESSED IN NAZI UNIFORMS grab the girl by her arms and pin her to the wall, THE WOMAN looking about  confused as VANKA pulls out a CURVED DAGGER and licks the blade, watching as he TONGUE suddenly splits in half, the JEWISH WOMAN watching in horror as VANKA snaps her finger and the TWO GERMANS violently rip her clothes off of her body, the JEWISH WOMAN unable to react as tears stream down her face as VANKA gets between her legs and begins licking upwards, leaving a blood forked tongue trail as she steps back and the stabs the CURVED DAGGER into the JEWISH WOMAN'S STOMACH, VANKA violently slicing it from left to right, the JEWISH GIRL watching as her stomach was splitting open, her entrails begin to fall out as VANKA begins finger banging the JEWISH GIRL as the TWO GERMAN'S hold her with one hand while fondling her breasts with their other hand. 


Welcome...to your new home, doll...

the JEWISH WOMAN begins crying blood as she seems to orgasm in pleasure as suddenly the walls seem to part and The JEWISH WOMAN watches as in a LARGE ROOM her BOYFRIEND was being rode reverse cowgirl style by a very busty GERMAN WOMAN, but as this was happening a NAZI was ripping his VOCAL CORDS out as another GERMAN WOMAN vomiting blood into his MOUTH. 

The JEWISH WOMAN rolls her eyes as VANKA begins sticking some of her intestines into her mouth, sucking on them and eating at them gradually as the disgusting display suddenly disappears as the club HOLOCAUST 2 fades away, the CROSSING FIELD now vacant as it always was. 


An OLDER JEWISH WOMAN is sitting in front of RYAN as RYAN was eating an orange. 


My name is MELISSA, I am very happy that you could see me, and that I caught you in between jobs...


Yeah that's usually how it goes...






Shut the fuck up!


My daughter BARBARA...she's missing...


Usually how it works. 

MELISSA gives him a strange look as MELISSA slides over a folder. 


What's this? 


MY daughter isn't the only one to have gone missing, in fact, it seems that a lot of people with my religious faith seem to be facing grave and I fear...mortal danger...


I see....and these people are...?


Jewish, Mr. JAMES. 


So you think something is targeting Jews?


I don't think Mr. JAMES, I know. 

She points at the files and RYAN huffs and sets his orange down, RYAN opening the files as he looks at a NEWSPAPER clipping of a WAREHOUSE BUILDING. 


From what people have gathered who have not gone into that building...it's some sort of paranormal night club, targeting younger Jewish men and women and whomever they are with. These people go in, and they never come out Mr. JAMES, and the strangest thing is...this building isn't real...


Isn't real? 


Yes, it seems there having been sightings all across the country of this exact building, with the same designs and same atmosphere. Targeting my people's offspring. 


(reading files)

Rachel Stern-berg, 23, missing 4 days ago...Mark Parker, 21, missing 3 days ago...there are dozens of these missing persons reports all within the last six months...


Yes, however it seems this same building and same pattern of missing Jewish young men and women has been around for the last 40 plus years...


Why only the younger generations? Why isn't it appearing to people of your age? 


Probably something to do with experimenting with hardcore sex and drugs I would imagine, seeing how most of the people in those reports were last seen at parties, clubs, what not. 


So there's a demonic night club targeting young horny adult Jewish men and women? How fun.


Please, Mr. JAMES...I know that...I know that my daughter won't be alive when you find her if you find her...but...I can't bear the idea  of this continuing for any more decades...for any more parents....to have to grieve for their lost children...please...


Yeah,I get it, big sad Jewish shill, I'll take the job. So this thing appears when you're drunk and horny?


Umm yes, but you have to be in a clearing area before it would appear according to some reports...and you need someone of Jewish descent to be with you...


I should have this in the bag. I promise you MELISSA... I will find a way to stop it. 


Thank you so much, Mr. JAMES! Do...do you have a plan? 


OF course...


RYAN shuts the STING'S TRUNK. 


I have no fucking idea what the hell I am going to do...



Smooth Casanova. 


You again? Guess it's that time...

RYAN pulls out the vile and takes a bump of coke, getting inside of the CAR as he begins heading WEST. 


RYAN lays on the hood of the STING as a young JEWISH WOMAN was laying next to him, the JEWISH WOMAN passing a JOINT to RYAN as RYAN takes it and takes a few drags. 


How lucky was it that I found you in town needing a ride...ummm....TARA?


Haha, it's JEN. 


Yeah, that's right sorry...it's the THC talking...


So what's brought a guy like you out here?


A guy like me? What? A Mexican? 


Haha, no...idiot...a hunter? 


Oh hahaha, umm, there's a homicidal paranormal Nazi night club that's going after Jewish men and women such as yourself...


Haha, is that so? 


Haha...I..uh...don't remember.

The TWO begin laughing as RYAN passes the joint back to her. She takes a few more drags and watches as RYAN holds up the vile with his bumps of cocaine, JEN smirking as RYAN hands it to her after taking one for himself. 


JEN screams in pleasure as RYAN leans his head back and grunts, JEN wiping her brow as she climbs off of his lap, RYAN looking glossy eyed as JEN lights up a cigarette as she lowers her skirt back down. 


That was...interesting...


Sorry, I grunt a lot, have to, you know...make up for the lack of non movement that goes into my half of the love making. 


If I wanted to fuck a corpse I would've by now, dude. 


Don't get snippy at me bitch, I'll fucking but you down!


Yeah whatever, wanna do some ecstasy? 


Fuck yeah. 


The TWO look spaced as they are sprawled on the GRASS in the fielded area that they had pulled over to, RYAN looking at his hand as JEN was laughing hysterically, but that stops as she hiccups and then throws up on herself, RYAN not even looking at her as he stares fixated at his hand. 


You know...I mean...FUCK! These are some sexy goddamn hands...I mean...look at them...look at me...? Oh my god...

RYAN begins fondling himself. 


I feel so warm...so damn hot and hard and...

RYAN looks over to his right and notices people beginning to walk into  something, the PEOPLE speaking in GERMAN, covered in BDSM clothing as most were wearing GLOW STICKS and GLOW IN THE DARK BODY PAINT. 

RYAN looks upwards in the sky and covers his eyes, as the SKYLIGHTS were appearing in the sky directly above him, RYAN wincing as he turns over to his LEFT and notices JEN being grabbed by her arms, TWO GERMAN MEN IN NAZI UNIFORMS dragging her into the HOLOCAUST 2 as RYAN begins to call out her name but stops himself as he seems to of forgotten it. 

RYAN sits up as suddenly a GERMAN MAN stops in front of him, bending down as he lays a GLOW STICK HALO on top of RYAN'S HEAD. 


You're going to miss the party...

RYAN eyes him suspiciously as the GERMAN MAN heads inside, RYAN looking about as he notices TWO MEN having sex with A LARGE BREASTED GERMAN WOMAN, but they seemed to be covered in feces. 

RYAN stands up and falls directly back over but quickly he scrambles about on all fours and balances himself back up onto his feet before he begins stumbling towards the entrance. 


RYAN steps into the HOLOCAUST 2 as he shields his eyes from the STROBBING BLACK LIGHTS all about the NIGHT CLUB, RYAN staggers and falls on his face in front of a group of people, who laugh at him and step away as he stands back up and blinks rapidly before he lunges towards the bar, reaching the bar top as he coughs and shakes his head, RYAN nodding his head as the TECHNO music was very catchy, the DANCEFLOOR packed with the hundreds of GERMAN PARTY GOERS. 

RYAN lays his head on the bar top but feels something tap his arm, RYAN looking to see a shot glass full of WHISKEY as RYAN looks at the BARTENDER. 


First drink is always on the house...

RYAN takes the shot without hesitating as he then slides it back. 


Tastes like shit Nazi asshole, try again...


Oh, big loud and brash American...

RYAN turns to see a beautiful large breasted GERMAN WOMAN coming over, RYAN raising an eyebrow as the GERMAN WOMAN suddenly exposes her left breast, RYAN watching as the GERMAN WOMAN begins cutting globs of flesh out of her breast, RYAN watching on confused as she takes a piece of tit flesh and rubs the bloody mangled piece across his face. 

RYAN vomits onto the table as a large mob of GERMANS suddenly converge  around him, lapping and sucking up the VOMIT as RYAN steps away as a pair of hands caress his shoulders. 

RYAN looks behind him to see VANKA standing beside him, watching with him as the GERMANS were eating the vomit. 


People here are into some odd things as you can tell...


Yeah...I'm noticing...




So you see the chick I was tweaking out in the field with? I think I saw her get drugged in here...


The Jewish girl?


Yeah that'd be her...Penelope or Jimmy...something with a G...


I think she is being taken care of in the back, VIP lounges are all the rave here. 


Then why the fuck am I out here with the puke eaters? 


Come...let us dance...




Not an option, dear boy. 

RYAN watches as the STROBES stop their constant flickering and the music changes from TECHNO to slow melodic romance music, RYAN watching as every dancing body suddenly stopped and slowly all turned to stare at the TWO as VANKA lead RYAN down towards the DANCEFLOOR, the FLOOR parting like the RED SEA as the GERMAN PARTYGOERS split up, leaving the majority of the floor to just RYAN and VANKA. 

VANKA wraps her arms around RYAN'S neck as RYAN grabs her hips, the two beginning to sway as she smirks at him. 


You are a hunter, no? 


Da, comrade. 


We are not Russian. 


Fuck I don't' know the difference, you're white and foreign and look funny. 


Be as Ill advised as that may be on your end...I am assuming that you know what I..rather what we are> 


Oh yeah...level 4 apparitions, strong enough to physically manifest but on top of that, strong enough to  create a stable transversal building that houses all of your spirits. 


Very good indeed. I was a general in the Third Reich, back in '42. All of these young men were under my command, the women, great workers, and wives to these men, my division was the youngest in the entire GERMAN military. I suppose that is what did us in, we were ambushed by french resistance fighters during our occupation into FRANCE. 


Oh bleeding hearts unite and cry a sad song for the Nazi queen and her douche bag army. 


Your mouth is not your greatest attribute hunter, besides your high and completely in my control right now...


On the contrary, you Nazi bitch, I do cocaine bumps everyday...sometimes 15 to 20, Over the last few years I've begun developing what we call a tolerance heavy drugs...


Are you saying...

RYAN winks and throws his arm forward, VANKA wincing and screaming as the GERMAN'S all around them begin screaming and wincing and disappearing as VANKA looks down to see RYAN holding a KNIFE that had a CROSS etched into it, RYAN twisting the blade as spools of blood begin to pour out of the wound. 


...Sorry for the show, but I knew If it was convincing enough you probably wouldn't have shown up at all. 


We still have...the girl...she's still going to die...


I already knew that too, you seem to think I didn't. I thought all this through. 


Oh dear boy...

VANKA kisses RYAN on the cheek. 


You didn't. 

VANKA grabs RYAN'S hands and easily pulls RYAN'S hand away from her, RYAN looking on in horror as VANKA rubs the blade wound and licks the blood that was still pouring out of her body. 


Mm, I love pain, boy. That's what HOLOCAUST 2 is...a place where pain and pleasure, even in death, is so joyous. 


Crazy German broad...


What else do you got? 

RYAN lifts his shirt and quickly draws his .45, RYAN plugging three rounds of salt rounded bullets into VANKA'S FACE, blowing the back of her head open, her body falling over dead. 


Ha, that was easy.

RYAN suddenly screams as he is lifted up into the air and thrown forward. 


RYAN sails through the WINDOW, RYAN wincing as VANKA walks up behind him and lifts him up by his throat, VANKA smirking as RYAN is cut up with lacerations from the window. 


Look around you, hunter...

RYAN eyes about as JEN, the Jewish woman he picked up was being mutilated by a group of NAZI'S, RYAN looking about a bit distressed, VANKA smirks as she notices his expression. 


...You say you were prepared for this, that you didn't mind her death...but look at her...really look at her...

RYAN looks to see JEN has a smile on her face as her body was being raped, her entrails spread all about her body as her breasts were cut open in half, a NAZI sucking on the strands of flesh as JEN only moaned in pleasure as she was crying from the pain. 


With this juden, as all the Jews before and all the Jews that will come after, belong to us. We own them, they are inferior, but we understand that they suffered atrocities by our hands, atrocities that yes were merited, but done so distastefully. 


SO that's...that's it...

VANKA eases up as RYAN looks at her with disdain. 


That's your big moral stance on why you're doing this? You didn't torture them right?! So what?! Torturing them to death but pleasuring  them at the same time makes it alright?!

RYAN chops down and breaks VANKA'S grasp, VANKA watching as RYAN brings the .45 back up and plugs her a few more times before turning and shooting the NAZI'S that were raping JEN dead, their bodies dissipating into nothingness as VANKA lay dying, RYAN picking her up by her leather top as he begins punching her in the face, RYAN putting the gun to her chest again and firing a few more rounds. 


You Nazi's in death still learned nothing! Still didn't learn that you guys were insane genocidal madmen and or women!

RYAN puts the barrel to her head and pulls the trigger. RYAN counting two fingers before turning and firing behind him, VANKA dropping again as she curses, RYAN pulling out the COMEBACK METER as it was on BLUE. 


Level 4, usually always 3 time re occurrences...


You son of a bitch...


You know the only good thing that's come out of this for me. 

RYAN comes over as he pulls the BLESSED DAGGER out again and slowly begins stabbing it into her chest plate, VANKA shaking as she stares deeply into his eyes, RYAN staring back with disdain. 


At least you Nazi's  gave me a number to aim for...So for every Jew you killed, dead or alive....Is one of your kind I'm going to fucking send back to hell...

RYAN leans in and stabs the rest of the blade into VANKA'S HEART, VANKA smirking as she kisses RYAN, who twists the blade, VANKA'S head suddenly thrown back as she goes lifeless, RYAN looking around as suddenly everything begins to dissipate, RYAN looking to see his DAGGER still stained with blood but with no body to show for it, just JEN'S BODY laying in the field a few yards away as the HOLOCAUST 2 was no more. 

RYAN puts the DAGGER away as he comes over to JEN and bends down, closing her eyes as he then changes her smile on her face. 



She didn't really die with a smile on her face, the smile was a lie, a lie those Nazi fucks took advantage to do only what they had done 60 plus years ago...Or of course maybe I am all wrong about this...in the end, I don't really know, and honestly...I don't really give a shit...

RYAN turns and heads off, limping towards the STING as his injuries were still present, the sunrise beginning to dawn over the horizon...

Fade Out.