Ch.25 House completed!

The next morning, Jax got up even earlier and left the item list on the guild counter with a message to ask the guild's treasurer for the money necessary. He had already talked with the treasurer the previous night, and they had agreed to let the guild members take money from his account for buying the materials for his house.

As Jax arrived at the house, which he had fully built, he took a small moment to appreciate what the boy could call a work of art before working on the house's surroundings. First, he linked the road with his entrance by compressing the earth. Afterwards, Jax used the stones he had dug up previously, cleaned them and cut them to transform them into paving stones to make a beautiful walkway. He didn't plan on having any cars since he could move faster with his magic.

After completing the road linking to the house entrance, he used his nature magic to grow trees halfway up the newly built walkway. He continued making them grow and did the same to the land's side and made some smaller trees at the back since he wanted to enjoy the ocean's view without having to worry about intruders. With this, the whole land was surrounded by trees except on the walkway where he would create a wooden gate and at the back where the trees were slightly smaller. After having grown the trees, he started to infuse his magic into them, making them stronger, have restorative properties and able to take on magical attacks.

While he didn't want to transform his house into a fortress, he still wanted to make it safe as he remembered his second mission. The dark mages arrived from everywhere, and he didn't want to be taken by surprise in his new house. Jax then moved the branches of all the trees to mix and make a wall made of wood around the property.

Jax then went back to the walkway and started to create a gate made of wood that would open to anyone knowing where to tap on the wood. It was necessary to mention that while the outside couldn't see inside the land, it was very easy for the people living inside to see outside. There was also a lot of sunlight, and it didn't make the whole house and land creepy at all. Instead, it gave the feeling of being one with the land and providing artistic scenery.

After finishing the surroundings of the land, Jax continued to work on the outside of the house. By the walkway, inside of the gates, Jax grew flowers on both sides of the walkway and gave energy to the grass so it could be green with no yellow whatsoever. This small trick wasn't that hard as he could do so without his first pearl. After having finished the front of the yard, Jax went to the garden next to the library. He had left enough space to add a few pounds and a terrace.

Digging a few ponds, Jax used his earth, water and nature magic to add some stones around the ponds, to fill them with water and to add some marine vegetation such as algae. Knowing that he would have to get some fishes for the ponds, he added a few flowers around and created a walkway before moving to the house's back. It was where it would become a longer job.

On the back of the house, he built a walkway, just like the one on the front of the house, which linked with a large patio. The patio was then directly related to the living room through a sliding door, which he would soon install. At the balcony side, Jax started by digging the pool, he wanted it to be huge, and he compressed the dirt in the pool as hard as he could before making some stairs to walk down into the pool. He then separated the pool into two sides, one being deep while the other not. The deep side of the pool had a springboard and a slide to play in the water.

Next to the pool was the walkway and he built a small room next to it where he would store some fire and wind lacrimas to create a sauna. With the pool, sauna and patio finished, Jax turned towards the rest of the free land. He started by removing the grass, and he flew down to the beach to collect sand in his shadow magic to bring back. Jax planned on making a few playgrounds such as volleyballs and tennis courts. Moreover, he wanted to create a big fireplace facing the ocean. It would be a great place to enjoy an evening with friends.

By the time he finished the three remaining facilities, the guild members had arrived in front of the wooden gate. He could tell they were there as he had left some magic in the stone to feel it whenever someone walked close to the land. Opening the gate from a distance, he flew closer to the guild members who had come to help him transport things. He could have simply used his dark magic to store the furniture, but the longest was buying the furniture themselves. He had asked them to buy a particular style of furniture before leaving as not to have a mix of furniture which wouldn't look right.

As he opened the gate and came closer to them, the members stared at the land with wide eyes. "Did you do all the garden just this morning?" Asked the guild members as they remembered Jax saying that he still had to do the garden.

"Yes, since you guys decided to help me, I woke up earlier to finish everything outside. It went rather well and was easier to do than expected. So, I'm ready to complete the house." He said while looking at the hundred pieces of furniture the mages brought with them with their various types of magic.

"Alright then! Let's finish this house!" The members shouted as they started to enter the gate and went towards the door entrance.

"Alright, I'll need the windows first. I'll install them from outside since it'll be easier than to transport them inside." Jax said while a member with a large window approached him.

Jax then used his wind magic to transport the windows where they were supposed to be before using his nature magic to make a hole in the wall and hold the window once it was at the right place. It took less than a minute to install a window, making the guild members understand how he made his house. Once they understood that the house was a single tree, everything made sense for them as Jax would only have to control the tree itself to build the house. However, no matter how they thought of it, they wouldn't be able to do it themselves.

Half an hour later, as Jax had placed all the windows, they moved towards the back of the house as Jax put the various equipment in the right places. Things such as a volleyball net or a volleyball ball were placed directly in the volleyball field, and Jax magically enhanced the cushions which would be placed around the fire pit to make them fire and waterproof. This way, he wouldn't have to worry about moving the cushion when it rained.

Once everything on the outside of the house had been placed, they all moved inside the house. By this time, a few of the guild members didn't have anything to hold as there had been a lot of materials left outside. As they entered the hallway, Jax took a carpet and used his magic to extend it at the right place in the hallway. He also placed the Fairy Tail logo painting where he had planned on putting it.

They then moved to the second basement where Jax built some shelves in the cellar, and some members left the wines they had bought with the remaining of the money Jax had left them. The members said that he should let them there and not bother about them for the next few years.

Jax, still clueless about the goal of leaving wine in the cellar, went back to the first basement. In the basement, he left magic training equipment in the magic testing field and magically enhanced physical training equipment in the home gym right next to the magic testing field. He then used four of the five lacrima-vision he had the members buy and set them directly in the four corners of the floor. He then took the last one and went straight to the mansion roof and put the last one on top, making a false sky, in the basement and showing the sky outside.

Once Jax did this, the basement had a lot of magical training equipment that could be used anytime. On the first floor, he went to the dining room and set out a table and chairs and various storage furniture. He set up a magical clock on the left side of the room, and a pot with flowers was placed in the middle of the table.

Next was the kitchen, where a few appliances were added, and the necessary items were stored to make food. There was even some food that had been bought to keep in the refrigerator. The kitchen was pretty bare at the moment since Jax didn't plan on eating at the house unless there were some friends with him, so until then, he planned on eating at the guildhall.

As for the library, there were some chairs and desk along with a few books which started to fill the shelves. Jax once again added a few pots of flowers he would keep alive with his nature magic. He then added the sliding door, which opened up the garden from the library.

After placing the appliances on the first floor, they moved to the second floor, and Jax once again set some carpet in the stairs. Afterwards, for each room, he added a bedframe, a mattress, a desk, a chair and a wardrobe. As for having additional items, it would depend on the person since he didn't know who would stay there or even if someone was going to stay there.

Jax skipped the home cinema and immediately placed the items for the guest's rooms and master bedroom on the third floor. Since he already knew where to put them, it took less than ten minutes, thanks to magic. Once this was done, Jax returned to the second floor and placed the movie lacrima and the white screen ready to start a movie. He then added a few cushions on the chairs he made with softwood.

Finally, they placed the sofas, and a small table on the two smaller living room and the basics of the house was done.

With this, a party started in the backyard, and Jax only woke up the next morning.

---Author Note---

For the votes, surprisingly or not, most of the majority voted for harem... for Mira and Erza. I feel bad for Cana tho, she ain't loved. Well, two can't be considered harem, I think? I'd instead consider it as diversified love... well it's still harem tho. So that's that for the love interest. I personally prefer two of the four. As for Cana if before MC gets in a relationship I can have them hookup or something.. or not. We'll see. As for Hisui cause I really want to integrate her in the story as close friends cause she's a princess and she doesn't have friends.

As for the next fanfic, it was close between danmachi and pokemon.. tho was my one piece bounty hunter fanfic idea bad? I thought it was pretty cool since in one piece fanfics we only get marine or pirates, everyone going for power...

Finally, thanks everyone for having replied to my questions, I wish you a happy day!