Ch.41 Starting the hatching process

Entering the house, Jax directly made his way to his room to start his egg's hatching process. There were many materials to use with the egg before it finished hatching to give it as much power as possible. As such, he didn't want to waste too much time.

The first thing he did was to prepare the telepathic and pet link with the help of his blood and the bag of magic dust. Opening the book to look at the right way to create the link, as he didn't want to fail and spend all of his materials on a pet that would leave as soon as it was born, he read the instructions.

Firstly, taking a small bowl, he opened the magic dust bag and mixed it with the blood that fell from his cut finger. Once properly mixed, Jax started to draw on the egg. The markings left on the egg would assimilate with it, effectively creating an unbreakable bond between them. Once Jax completed the egg's drawings, Jax inserted a bit of his magical power on the egg making the markings light up before they slowly disappeared into the egg.

This process didn't take more than a few minutes as it was the simplest and could be done relatively quickly. However, the other materials that could improve the monster would take a longer time to integrate successfully.

Immediately starting with the materials to improve his future pet, he took out the vial of liquid ethernano. The vial contained fifty millimetres of the liquid and the way to use it was pretty easy as he only had to drip the liquid on the egg slowly. It didn't take much time as marking started to appear on the egg, and finally, as the fifty millimetres of liquid completely soaked the egg, the markings appeared all around, and a faint bluish light appeared.

Looking at the egg, which looked mysterious with the light and the markings, while it was absorbing all the liquid, Jax completely closed up the wood around the egg and looked at the time before remembering when he had to use the next material. According to the book, the liquid ethernano would take a total of a day to be absorbed by the egg and afterwards, he would be able to use the other materials.

Once he completed this small work, he went to the basement and started training. He had to wait for Cana to eat since she wanted to cook for him, and he wasn't that hungry yet anyway. He turned towards the bracelets to practise his magic control, and an hour later, Cana called him to eat.

As he climbed up the stairs, he smelled the food and couldn't help showing a smile as she was indeed getting better at cooking.

Sitting down at the table with the food, he once again thanked her for the food before the two of them started eating. At the end of the meal, as Jax finished storing the plates and cutleries, he saw that Cana was squirming slightly in her chair. After giving her a puzzled glance, he asked while helping her up and bringing her towards the door. "Cana, is there anything wrong?"

Looking up rapidly as she saw Jax staring at her, she blushed slightly while lowering her head. "I just wanted to ask, what do you think of small dogs?"

"Hum? Dogs? I never had one since I often leave on jobs. Why?" Asked Jax as he lifted an eyebrow at her question.

"Well, I have a dog. I came to Magnolia with it. However, I didn't want to bother you, so it is not far from the house. Previously when I lived at the orphanage, it couldn't stay with me, so it always stayed near the orphanage. So, do you mind if I bring it here?" Asked Cana as she lifted her head to look at Jax's expression.

"A dog? Sure, as long as you take care of it, I don't mind." He answered casually as he didn't mind a small dog, especially if he didn't take care of it.

"Really? Thanks!" She replied in a loud voice as a smile and small tears of joy appeared on her face, and she threw herself in Jax's arms.

"Well, it's okay." He answered while patting her back with a slight smile appearing on his face. After a few dozens of seconds, he asked with a smile: "Well, are you going to go and get it now?"

"Oh, yes! I'll be back soon." She said while sprinting towards the door.

"I'm going to bed, so don't forget to close the front door when you come back." He added loudly while he went to his room.

Giving a quick look at the egg emitting a faint bluish light, he sealed it up completely to cover the light before taking a quick shower, changing into his pyjama and sliding under his cover in the bed.

Closing his eyes, he felt the gate opening once again and confirmed that it was Cana and her small dog before relaxing and going back to sleep. Thanks to the sound insolation he had put in the walls and doors of the house, he could fall asleep quietly without hearing Cana walking in the place which promised him a peaceful sleep.


The next morning, Jax woke up Cana as she had mentioned that she wanted to train with him in the morning.

Taking the sleepy girl to the basement, Cana trained with her card magic from five to six, and Jax taught her how to use daggers until seven. At seven, Cana went to take a shower and prepare breakfast while Jax continued to train at a higher intensity for half an hour.

After breakfast, they both made their way towards the guildhall, only to find an extremely depressed atmosphere. Approaching Macao, who wasn't too far, Jax asked: "What happened?" While looking at the guild members.

"Our two S-rank mages, Brian and Jessica, are dead. When the monsters were leaving, everyone relaxed. However, at that time, they made a final raid and to cover for the other guild members, they stayed behind and died. Our guild is still lucky. I heard that the Grim Crusaders and the Sacred Brigade guilds were annihilated. They had sent out most of their members to receive a higher payment from the magic council, but over ninety percent of their wizards perished in the fight. We are lucky our members are united, or we would have as much loss as they have. The master went to visit the two families. We will have the funerals in a few days." He answered while explaining everything that happened.

"I see." Jax nodded his head sadly. While he hadn't had much contact with the two wizards due to them often being working, he still had a good relationship with them over the years he had been in Fairy Tail.


Over the following month, Jax started training with renewed determination. Every morning, he trained his magic control with the help of the bracelets. Afterwards, he taught Cana the use of daggers before doing his physical training for half an hour.

After their daily morning training, Jax went back to his first client to learn music from her. Surprisingly, she wasn't just skilled as a violinist, but she also played piano, the flute, guitar, and she sang. Apparently, she was a compositor, and she learned all of those to create the most incredible musical masterpiece she could.

In the beginning, she wasn't that interested in accepting him as a student. However, once she saw his musical talent, she was more than happy to train him as he learned everything fast and could soon help her compose her music by playing with her. Surprisingly, she didn't have anyone to play music with, even if her musical pieces used all three instruments and singing.

He learned from her from eight in the morning until five in the afternoon with an hour break to eat in the middle. Afterwards, he went back to the guild for an hour before going back to his house. From time to time, he received letters from Hisui of which he received news from her, and he gladly answered as she was one of the few friends he had.

Three days after the guild learned of the two S-rank members' death, they had a funeral in the graveyard not far from the Fairy Tail guild. That day, he didn't train magic or music, just like the other guild members who simply drank all day. The following week, most of the members left on jobs, trying to get slightly stronger so that such an event never happened again.

Finally, over the month, Jax completed over seventy magical bracelets. He first wanted to give them to the guild members as they had helped him a lot in the past, but upon seeing the effect of such a magical item, they each bought at least one for 300,000 Jewels. While 300,000 was a lot of money, they could make this money back by taking a few more jobs. More importantly, this was a life-saving item. The bracelets he sold to the members had ten beads, and each of the beads held five magical spells with the strength of the top of the A-rank. This bracelet gave them extra protection once they used all of their magic power.

Thanks to selling the bracelets to the members of the guild, he made 21 million extra Jewels. While Jax thought it was too pricey, the members believed that the bracelet was still cheap. So, with that, he increased his savings back to 31 million Jewels quickly. It covered the price of the materials for his still unhatched pet egg.

As for the pet egg in the month, he completely absorbed the liquid ethernano, the two pieces of frosty metal, the draconian frost-wind leaves, the artic feather bones and the seven pieces of speed silver. Currently, he was using the ghastly skin fruits since they could all be used at the same time, and they would be absorbed entirely nine days later. It was perfect since he had to leave for Crocus for the birthday of Hisui.