Ch.55 Urgent mission

Finally, after a long time, Jax returned to the guild. As he entered through the familiar doors, Jax looked right and left, and sure enough, another brawl was going on. Rolling his eyes, he made his way towards the bar counter to meet with the master.

While walking towards the master, he looked around and saw Erza at a table eating her strawberry cake. Smiling, he decided to meet her first since it had been a while since he had seen her. However, as he was approaching her, he saw a chair smash her entire cake.

Seeing his favourite red-haired getting angry, Jax also frowned before amplifying the sound around his hand and clapping it. The clap created a shockwave around his hands which knocked down all the brawling members and quieted them down as they turned to see Jax with a black face. Of course, with the careful use of his magic, he had made sure to keep Erza safe from the shockwave and also everything behind the counter as he didn't want to trouble the guild workers.

As Jax slowly looked at them one by one, he was about to start talking when a pink-haired boy suddenly rushed and punched him from nowhere while shouting at him.

Frowning even more, the members all around the guild could only express sympathy to the new member as they slowly backed off before Jax blocked the hit and slapped him towards the guild wall and used his nature magic to hold him into it with only his head out.

Not bothering to spare a glance at the boy, Jax looked at all of them. "I don't care if you fight in the guild. You can hit each other as much as you want but don't come crying to me when you want to heal a broken arm or leg." Jax said calmly.

The members slowly relaxed as they thought it would be worse. However, Jax wasn't finished yet. "HOWEVER, one of you just smashed Erza strawberry cake." Added Jax with a nasty look while he was looking at the members. "Is there still someone who wants to fight here? I'll accompany you." Said Jax, as his nature power started to radiate all around him. As everyone was backing away, Jax used the opportunity to repair the chairs, tables, walls, roof and floor to bring them back to the way they were before. "If you have nothing to do, go and complete jobs. The board is full. I can't believe you won't find something interesting." Finished Jax as he walked towards the bar to get Erza another strawberry cake the worker had already prepared.

"Hi, Erza. It's been a while." He said while getting down a giving her a quick kiss on the lips as he sat next to her while giving her a new cake. "Hum, taste like strawberries." He added while licking his lips.

"Hi, how were you? You were supposed to come back almost three weeks ago." Answered Erza while she blushed and stared fiercly at Jax.

"Yeah. However, I met a woman on the road, and she offered me an urgent rescue job. I didn't have time to come back before taking it." Explained Jax while explaining what he had done in this urgent job.

While he was telling his story, he asked Erza curiously. "Who's the new kid?" While looking at the pink-haired boy who finally managed to get out of the wall and was getting irritated by Gray, who once again lost all of his clothes.

"He's Natsu Dragneel. The master found him and brought him back about a month and a half ago. He uses fire dragon slayer magic. Moreover, he says that the one who taught him this magic, his is father, a fire dragon." Explained Erza while eating her cake and snuggling with Jax, who she hadn't seen for a while.

"A dragon slayer, huh. I wonder when Snow will evolve." Continued Jax in another topic. "Right, where's that guy Simon? He was almost sticking to you before. What happened?" Asked Jax as he took Erza's hand.

"Well, he went to search for his sister. Since getting out of the tower, he searched for her, and he found some clues not long ago. Maybe he'll find her this time." Smiled Erza.

"Well, it's good to find family." Smiled Jax as he nodded his head.

At Jax said that he saw Erza lowering her head slightly. "Why are you sad? Aren't we family?" Asked Jax as he held Erza's hand a bit tighter.

Lifting her head, she also held Jax's hand tighter as she hugged him him once again. "Yeah, we're family." Smiled Erza, in a better mood.

As the two were about to continue their conversation, they were interrupted by the master, who shouted from the other side of the room. "Jax. I've got the perfect job for you. It won't take long, and you'll get two golden celestial spirit keys." He said while waving a job request in his hand.

Approaching the master after giving a smile at Erza, he took the request and started to read it.

[URGENT: Healing the magic deficiency disease.

Mission level: S

Requirement: Healer

Location: Heartfilia Konzern.

Type of mission: Healing.

Details: My wife has the magic deficiency disease. I need someone to heal her from this disease as fast as possible as she doesn't have much time left to live. Countless mages have already tried, but no one has managed to heal her yet.

Reward: Two golden celestial spirit keys, the keys of Cancer and Taurus.

Requester: Jude Heartfilia.]

Jax's eyes lit up as he nodded to the master. "I'll take the mission master. I'll go immediately." Said Jax as he waved his hand at Erza, who saw him leave and flew in the direction of the Konzern at his fastest speed. He didn't want the mission target to die, or he wouldn't be able to get the reward. Moreover, he was certain that the mission was directed at himself since the rewards were the celestial spirit keys and not money. Moreover, considering that he was the only renowned healing mage who loved to collect those keys, it was easy to make the connection.

It took him less than an hour before arriving at the job's location. He stopped in front of the enormous gates and knocked on them. The sun was still up, so he didn't believe that they wouldn't make him see the patient as soon as possible.

As he waited for a while, the door opened only for Grammi to appear on the other side. "Mister Jax, what can I do for you?" She asked with surprise as she wasn't expecting to meet him so soon. They had parted ways a few hours earlier, and here they were meeting again.

"Hello, miss Grammi. I am here due to the job requested by Mr. Jude Heartfilia. The job about healing his wife of the magic deficiency disease." Smiled Jax in surprise as he felt everything would be easy now that he knew the one who opened the door.

"Ha, yes. Please, come in. I'll immediately notify Mr. Heartfilia." She answered as she brought Jax inside of the manor and let him sit on one of the chairs while she went to get the master of the house.

A few minutes later, a man arrived with great strides as he approached Jax. The man had a severe face as he judged Jax. However, Jax wasn't caring much about it as he looked back in the eyes of the man in front of him.

"So, you think you can heal her?" Asked the man while exuding as much pressure as he could.

"Well, if I can't, there shouldn't be many people on this continent who could heal her." Freely answered Jax as he didn't bother about such a weak pressure.

He nodded his head before turning around. "Alright, please follow me."

After a few minutes, they arrived in front of a bedroom. There were two guards in front of the door, and they opened the doors when the three of them came.

Entering the room, the first thing Jax noticed was the woman sleeping with a frown on the bed. She had beads of sweat dripping down her face as her face showed an unhealthy white colour. Approaching her, he used his fairy magic on his palm and touched her neck, using this point of her body to conduct an inspection.

After a while, he turned towards the two waiting. The man was distressed by this situation as he looked at Jax with hope. "Well, I have both a piece of good news and a piece of bad news. Which one would you like to hear first?" Asked Jax with a slight smile.

"Bad news first." Said the man as he looked intently at Jax.

"Well, the bad news is that those doctors that you hired previously, I don't know what they gave her, but it's making her condition worse," Jax said while shaking his head. "The good news is that I can heal her. However, due to the previous doctors, I'll have to forcefully get rid of all those useless substances in her body." Explained Jax as he looked at the man.

"So, do I start?" Jax asked as he saw that the man wasn't answering him.

"Yes, immediately!" Almost shouted the man as Jax nodded and turned towards the woman and took off the sheets covering her.

Using his fairy magic on his hands, he started to press at her heart to inject magical power into her body. The magic deficiency disease was an overdraft of the magic power in the body, hurting her vitality and blocking her from absorbing magical energy in her body due to the state of the 'magic container' in one's body. It could be said that by overusing her magical power, she had almost destroyed the magical container, stopping her from keeping magic in her body and healing her lost vitality.

As such, the first thing he did was to heal the magic container in the body before moving to the rest of her body and expelling the harmful substances from her body. By the time he was done, a disgusting smell had spread through the room as some black substances came out of her pores. However, at the same time, her body could be said to be better than before she did her magic overdraft, making it a blessing in disguise.

With everything done, Jax used some water magic to wash the black substances and used his fire magic to dry her up before using his air magic to place the sheets back on her and clean the room's air.

"It shouldn't be long before she wakes up." Explained Jax as he saw the worried look of the man and Grammi.

And just as he was explaining, the woman behind him slowly woke up and sat down in her bed. Her face was full of colours, and she stopped sweating.


Half an hour later, after saying his goodbyes to the requester, the lady and Grammi, who he once again invited to send Brandish U to Fairy Tail, he made his way back to the guild with two new golden celestial spirit keys. Now, the only thing he wanted was to go and sleep with Erza for the night.