
Kremlin Military Office, Russia-05.00 AM MSK-Fatih a.k.a Bismarck

"Доброе утро, сегодня проблема?"

(Good morning, is there a problem today?)

"Шумно, вы мешаете мне работать."

(Noisy, you're distracting me from work.)

"Эй ... просто расслабьтесь, ребята."

(Hey... take it easy my friend.)

"Ты слышал новости?"

(Have you heard about the news?)

"Yже, это заняло больше времени, чем я думал."

(Of course, it took longer than I thought.)

"Вот и все, реальность не всегда идет по плану."

(That's how it is, reality doesn't always go according to plan.)

Shortly after our conversation about the Indonesia-Papua New Guinea war ended, Sebastian and an officer arrived in quite a hurry with some documents.

"Аварийное состояние! НАТО начинает укреплять свои силы на наших границах в Европе!"

(State of emergency! NATO is starting to strengthen its forces on our borders in Europe!"

"Зачем ждать?! Скажите всему персоналу!! Экстренная встреча!!"

(Why stop?! Notify all staff!! Emergency meeting!!)

"Приведите сюда всех офицеров !! Босс уже знает информацию?!?!"

(Bring all the officers here!! Does the Boss already know the information?!?!)

After the sudden notification, all high-ranking officers and several officers held a special closed meeting together. Shortly after that, President Nikolaj came and joined the meeting to discuss what steps the Russian side should take after the failed attempts to discuss this with the British side. Several officers proposed arming missiles and their military vehicles. Several officers chose to strengthen the border and held several intensive military exercises near their border. The rest chose to move some troops to other areas to strengthen troops in Europe. Some of the officers there agreed to send some troops into Belarusian territory to put some pressure on NATO. This also has the effect that some members of the PNM (Collection of countries of the former Soviet Union) and the Warsaw Pact that support Russia are not afraid of NATO and its allies.

At the same time, Chinese diplomats came to give some cooperation documents to the Russian Foreign Minister to be submitted back to the Russian government. The contents of the document are in the form of an extension of the trade cooperation contract and several secret contracts which the Foreign Minister has not even touched on at all. To maintain the confidentiality of such documents, the Russian FSB went directly to the field to secure these important documents. After the meeting was over, several officers who were there discussed the trade cooperation contract because they were also Russian government officials and have some experience in it. Secret contracts will be submitted directly to the FSB (Russian Federal Security Service) to be checked for content and security, then submitted directly to President Putin if the contract is very important.

Shortly after the meeting ended, my phone rang. I then opened the phone and found that it was Irwan who called me.

"Hm? Irwan? What's wrong?"

"I found their headquarters!"

"What?! How?"

"I lobbied all my informants for this one thing. At first, everything went smoothly until I was attacked by some of Morozefa's men who stay here. Luckily I have all the information hidden in a safe place."

"Okay then, immediately call all the members! Sebastian and I will go there."


Minsk, Belarus-10.30 AM FET (Far Eastern European Time)-Captain Fatih

"Are all the members present?"

"Less Gilang, I don't know... maybe he's buying weapons from a local dealer."

"Hmm.. well, Irwan, tell us the information you got."

"Okay, a few days ago I received a letter from my informant saying that Morozefa has 3 headquarters. As far as we know, their first base is on one of the islands in the Spratley Islands. According to this latest information, it can be concluded that Morozefa's second base is in the city of Mogadishu, Somalia with tight security."

"Did they recruit some locals as their soldiers?"

"That's most likely the case, this informant also said that their base is on the outskirts of the city and this is another proof that their military vic was around the national airport. I guess that it is a gathering place for Morozefa's special military members and their military vehicles as well."

"Can this informant of ours be trusted?"

"I can guarantee it, his family is a military family. He was brought up to know right and wrong and to side with right even if it put his life at risk."


Not long after, Gilang came with several members of the Wolfpack Company who were unloading ammunition and weapons boxes. The Wolfpack Company is an international assassination organization formed by fugitives with the Black Ops team at the Australian Mint led by Wolfgang who is known as the top 10 hitmen in his community. Currently, Wolfpack Company has headquarters in Australia, Belarus, and the United States.

"All the equipment has been unloaded, how was the meeting?"

"Not bad.. you know, since you didn't attend the briefing.. maybe you should be re-briefed with Irwan."

"W.. wait.. w.. what?"

I also pushed Gilang into the room to be re-briefed by Irwan for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, I was busy conversing with some superiors at the Belarus branch of the Wolfpack Company who happened to be visiting.

"Boss said he's want to take a dinner with you."

"Really? That old man?"

"That's how he is, we can't blame him. Alright, I'll give you the address. We've been very busy, sorry we couldn't stay longer. Thanks for the drinks!!"

"No problem, too.. thanks for the address mate."

After some of the Wolfpack bosses left with their men, the Black Ops team again held a briefing for the next mission and what plan they should choose. Iqbal also participated after the Indo-PNG war ended in good condition, maybe he had just finished his vacation or something. This time he is with Operator Senu, a long-range shooter and martial arts expert. They were both included in the Black Ops team to speed up the operation by minimizing the losses from this operation which cost quite a lot.

Several hours passed, the Black Ops team decided to infiltrate the enemy base to find information while destroying some of their communication tools, weapons, and vehicles. This is done to reduce the threat to Indonesian territory. This time they also borrowed some children for the Wolfpack Company to make this operation a success which is codename "Stardust". 7 members of Black Ops plus 60 members of the Wolfpack Company will go to Mogadishu, they will disguise themselves as members of the special forces hired by the Somali government to suppress the number of pirates on the coast of Somalia. They will later work together and settle in the elite military headquarters of Somalia, educated by America with sufficient funds for a government like Somalia.

Aden Adde International Airport, Somalia-09.00 AM EAT (East African Time)-Fatih a.k.a Bismarck

"Are you Captain Bismarck from WSE Squad (Wolfpack Special Elite)?"

"Yes? I'm guessing you're from the Government right?"

"Oh! I'm sorry Sir, my name is Adwin from Somali Elite Force. I have the assignment to pick a special guest, so I came here with BMC Kirpi convoy."

"BMC Kirpi convoy? Oh... can I drive one of them?"