Battle of Grozny 1994-1995

Hawaii, USA-08.00 HST (Hawaii–Aleutian Time Zone)-Fatih a.k.a Bismarck

Our Black Ops team arrived in Hawaii after I receive Morozefa's message about the meeting. We prepared everything to make sure this operation was successful.

"Is this the place, Captain?"

"Yeah. I will enter the building, get prepared. Meet me at the harbor if something goes wrong."


I pick my pistol before leaving the car, then slowly walk to the building. In there, I see Morozefa with somebody talking before seeing me enter the rooms.

"Oh! Hello mate."

"Hello! how's your day doin Morozefa?"

"Well... pretty good. So, shall we start?"


"Alright, Chechen Wars."

During the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Chechnya decided to declare its independence. In 1992, Chechen and Ingush leaders signed an agreement splitting the joint Chechen–Ingush republic in two, with Ingushetia joining the Russian Federation and Chechnya remaining independent. The debate over independence ultimately led to a small-scale civil war since 1992, in which the Russians covertly tried to oust the government of Dzhokhar Dudayev. The First Chechen War began in 1994 when Russian forces entered Chechnya by performing land invasion, air bombing, and massive artillery bombardment to restore constitutional order. Following nearly two years of brutal fighting, with a death toll exceeding one hundred thousand by some estimates, the 1996 Khasavyurt ceasefire agreement was signed by General Lebed and General Maskhadov in Novye Atagi on 22 August 1996. It included technical aspects of demilitarization of the Chechen capital Grozny, the creation of joint headquarters to preclude looting in the city, the withdrawal of all federal forces from Chechnya by 31 December 1996, and a stipulation that any agreement on the relations between the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria and the Russian federal government need not be signed until late 2001. On 12 May 1997 the presidents of Russia and Chechnya, Boris Yeltsin and Aslan Maskhadov, met at the Moscow Kremlin to sign the final version of the treaty.

"Alright, Morozefa, now let's talk about the siege. I don't like to spend much time remembering those shit."

"Yeah yeah... Siege of Grozny. On January 7, Orthodox Christmas, our high command ordered us to concentrate our assault on the Chechen Presidential Palace, a large, concrete structure built in Soviet times as the local Chechen Communist party headquarters, including a blast shelter underneath. It was defended by 350 Chechen full-time fighters and an estimated 150 part-time militiamen."

"Our unit is led by Major General Viktor Vorobyov and you as reserve leader. We push the enemy to the second floor, but the rest of our army can't even protect the ground without facing rain of bullets and shells."


Near Presidential Palace, Chechnya-09.00 AM MSK-Bismarck

"Бисмарк, что ты здесь делаешь?"

(Bismarck, what are you doing here?)

"О! Простите, мэр, я просто приготовил пистолет для собственной защиты."

(О! Sorry, Mayor, I just had a gun ready for my protection.)

"Вы знаете, где находится Морозефа?"

(Do you know where Morozefa is?)

"Я не знаю, где он, сэр. Возможно, он в медицинском лагере."

(I don't know where he is, sir. He may be in the medical camp.)

"Хорошо, спасибо, Бисмарк."

(Okay, thank you, Bismarck.)

"Не за что, сэр."

(You're welcome, sir.)

Not long after that, our platoon was gathered to be briefed about the upcoming attack. All platoon will conduct a massive raid on the presidential palace after the bombing run towards the presidential palace. The battle will be designated as one major raid. If this operation succeeds, the Russian Government will end the whole war, but this ongoing conflict will keep arising every single moment until a peace agreement is signed.

"Так, солдат, инструктаж окончен. Возьмите оружие и приготовьтесь к позиции! Разойтись!"

(All right, soldier, briefing's over. Pick up your weapons and get ready for the position! Disperse!)

Not long after that, the sound of explosion after explosion begins to echo around the presidential palace. It takes a full 10 minutes until no explosion is heard anymore. Mayor General Viktor Vorobyov commences his order to storm the presidential palace.

"Всем подразделениям! АТАКА!!!"

(All units! ATTACK!!!)

The entire army begins to attack the place, many of them using smokes to cover their movement from the enemy's machine gunner. The tank that we use as a cover becomes a weak target by the enemy anti-tank unit. This counterattack caused a lot of victims on our side. 30 minutes have passed, nothing much happens in the frontline. Despite our large number, the Chechnya army can defend the place by attacking from the high point. Our leader, Mayor General Viktor Vorobyov, decide to change our tactic by using massive bombardment to divert enemy attention while our army moved slowly toward their frontline. This plan was so risky but still has some percentage of success.

"Мы не можем использовать эту тактику! Риск слишком велик. На нашей стороне уже есть потери. Мы должны использовать другую тактику."

(We can't use these tactics! The risk is too big. There are already losses on our side. We must use another tactic.)

"Другого плана не существует! Мы должны сделать это! Враг слабее, чем вчера. Если мы не сможем взять его сегодня, то и они не смогут! Я поведу свою армию на смерть. "

(There is no other plan! We must do it! The enemy is weaker than yesterday. If we can't take it today, neither can they! I will lead my army to my death.)

"Вздох... Ладно, ладно. Но сначала мы должны разработать стратегию нашего плана. Мы даже не можем использовать наш танк, поэтому я рекомендую обстреливать врага на втором и третьем этажах, пока остальная часть нашей армии движется к ним."

(Sigh... Okay, okay. But first, we have to strategize our plan. We can't even use our tank, so I recommend shelling the enemy on the second and third floors while the rest of our army moves toward them.)

"Это хорошая идея, но мы используем дым, чтобы отвлечь их, прежде чем поставить пулеметчика и снайпера на нашей передней линии. Они ошеломят врага, и наше подразделение сможет свободно двигаться к ним."

(It's a good idea, but we'll use the smoke to distract them before we put a machine gunner and a sniper in our front line. They will stun the enemy, and our unit will be free to move toward them.)

"Понял, сэр."

Not long after the discussion, Mayor General Viktor Vorobyov reached me and asked Morozefa location. I answered him by saying that I didn't know where is he. Mayor then handed me a paper regarding our next attack. He said that I will be his reserve leader if Morozefa didn't come on time.

Presidential Palace, Chechnya-11.00 AM MSK-Bismarck

All Russian unit has been on the frontline alongside their ammunition. 5 minutes passed, some of the soldiers began to throw smoke when our sniper and machine gunner started blasting the enemy. Our commander then gave a clear order to us.

"Всем подразделениям!!! Вперед!!!"

(All units!!! Forward!!)

All of our units moved to their position as fast as we can do. Blast and explosion sound can't stop what happened in no man's land. Blood, tears, rage, everything stumbled upon and caused more terrifying situations that never happened in modern history.