Chapter 3

This is it. It's time to go downstairs. I packed everything in my room into 6 boxes. I'm ready to leave the pack. I take one last look in the mirror in my bathroom and smile. I actually smiled. I can't believe I actually look like a normal pack member. I used my sister's old makeup that she left behind along with and old curling iron I found in the garbage. I did a simple white shimmer with a black smokey eye. I did a light curl to go with it

Unknown POV

Why hasn't she come down yet? Maybe the dress didn't fit. "Shit! Maybe I should go check on her." "NO! You know she has to come to you. It's the only way boss." My best friend exclaimed. I stood outside the pack house looking through the window. "It's getting harder to sneak in boss. Maybe Esther knows about you." "How would she know Leo? It's impossible for her to know unless she is working with a witch." I explained. "Shh! I think she's coming." Leo whisper yelled. I froze. I can't believe I'm gonna see her wolf. I don't know how's she's been able to hide from me every time she shifts. I stay right outside the border so I can keep an eye on her. "She's gonna make an amazing Luna, Leo."

Zaraphine's POV

Coming out of my bedroom all I can hear is the pack members down stairs talking to each other. I try to stay as quiet as I can so that I don't call to much attention to myself. Once I reach the top step and I can see everyone they all stop talking and stare at me. Well shit. Is it to late to run? I ask my self. I continue my way down the stairs, I am definitely ready to vomit. This is something I'm so not used to. "Here she is everyone! The birthday girl has arrived." My mother calls out to the crowd while making her way towards me with an angry scowl on her face. "Zara where the hell have you been?! And what in the fuck are you wearing? I gave you an outfit to wear! Where did you even get this? This is way to nice of a dress for someone like you!" She whispered yelled. Yep she's furious. "It was laid on my bed Luna. I assumed this was what you gave me." I half lied. I knew she would never give this to me to wear today but I don't know who could've given it to me either. Everyone hates me here. "Don't lie to me child! Let's just get on with this so I can go back to bed." She said. "Yes Luna."

The party is almost over which means I now have to 'shift'. This should be fun I thought. "Everybody please quiet down and any unmated males come to the front while Zaraphine shifts into her wolf to find her mate." She says while giving me one of her sickly sweet smiles. I slowly make my way to her not ready for what it is to come. "Zara please shift for the pack." Esther states cooly. "I can't." I whisper to her. "What is that Zaraphine?" She asks with a smirk. I drop my head in shame and say it again louder, so everyone can hear me " I can't. I still have not met my wolf."

Gasps and whispers are heard throughout the room. "Abomination!" Someone yells. "She's not even a wolf!" My brother screams from the back of the room. I am now in tears staring at my pack members knowing what is about to come. "Well it is settled then. I, Esther Knight, Luna of Blue Moon pack banish you! You will live your life as a rogue from here on. You are not welcome on any pack land unless granted by an alpha! You have 5 minutes to be off my pack lands before you are killed like the rogue you are!" My mother screams at me. I rush past her up the stairs with tears steadily falling from my eyes. I reach my room in record time and start throwing my boxes out the window. "Shit!" I scream. I don't have anymore time so without thinking I jump from my window. I am almost positive I broke my ankle but I get up, grab my boxes and run as fast as I can to the edge of the pack.