Chapter 14

Atticus' POV

I leave her bedroom reluctantly. 'We can't leave her alone. She's terrified. Stay with her!' My wolf growls at me. 'I can't. She doesn't want us around.' I reply sadly. Walking away from her door I make my way down towards the living room. Cain is still sitting on the couch but I can tell he's nervous. As he hears me he snaps his head towards me "Is she okay?" "Yeah.. it was just a dream."

"How'd you know something was wrong? I didn't hear her." Cain questions me. "I felt her. I felt her pain.. her worry.. I just knew I had to get to her." I whisper out. "If you felt her then the mate bond is strong Atticus. You two haven't mated yet. It's supposed to be impossible to feel each others emotions until you fully mate." He expresses. "Yeah I know. But I've screwed it up. I let my anger get the best of me as usual."

"Will you go talk to her? She seems to like you. Maybe you could get her to open up. Maybe even except the bond.." I ask Cain. "Are you sure?" He questions. "Yeah. I think it'd be best if you tried. She doesn't seem to like me much." I chuckle. "Yeah man. I'll try." He says getting off the couch.

I drop my head into my hands and sigh out. 'I really screwed up huh?' 'Yeah. Just a little bit. But I trust Cain to talk to her. If anyone can get her to open up I think it'll be him.' My wolf tells me.

Cains POV

Walking towards Zara's room I hear her sniffle making my heart ache a little. I never wanted her to feel this way. She's strong. I know she is, I just don't know how I can help her. Knocking on the door frame I wait for her to answer. "You can come in Cain." She mumbles out. "Hey. You okay?" I question. "Yeah. Wanna come sit?" She says. "Yeah." I chuckle. "I would say close the door but your brother made that impossible." She laughs a bit.

I walk towards her laughing "Yeah. I'll make him fix it later." "It's alright. I'm leaving in a few hours anyway." She sighs. "What! No you can't leave. You just got here Zar! Give it a chance. Please. If it turns out bad I'll help you leave. Just not before you actually get to know him." I exclaim. I watch as a tear falls from her eye slowly I lift my hand and wipe it away with the pad of my thumb. "It will get better Zar. Trust me please." I beg. "I'll give it a week. If I still want to leave though you had better not try to stop me. I won't hesitate to kill you Cain." She says. "Okay deal." I accept.

I sit with her for a few hours talking about her life before she was taken and what she wants her life to be. She's quite depressing. I know she didn't have a good childhood but even her future she says she just wants to live in her cottage and live peacefully till she dies. That's not what she should want. Nobody should want a life like that. She should want a family and friends but no. She claims she likes the quiet and doesn't want it to change.

Finally once I know she's calmed down enough I ask her "What was your dream about Zar?" She lifts her head and I see her eyes glass over filling with tears. "My life at Dark Moon." She whispers out. "You won't go back there. I'll kill anyone that tries to take you back." I promise her. "The first few months were terrible. I was starved and beat. The guard.." she trails off. "Zar it's okay. They can't get to you. Not anymore." I try to reassure her. She lets out a dangerous chuckle "I know. I killed the guard, and I'll kill everyone else that's ever touched me."

"You hungry? I'll make you some food." I attempt to change the subject. 'How is she alive Cain' my wolf asks. 'I told you she was strong. I knew it then and she's proved it. Just like she'll continue to prove it.' I tell him. "Yeah. I'd like some food." She says just as a growl erupts from her belly causing us both to laugh. I take her hand and lead her downstairs to the kitchen.