Chapter 19

Zaraphine's POV

I quickly run upstairs to get my shoes. I grab them and put them on before making my way back downstairs. "Okay. I'm ready." I breath out stopping in front of Cain. "Alright let's go." He chuckles. Turning around we walk out and see an all black Chevy Camaro sitting right in front of the house. "This is his car?" I say dropping my jaw. "Yeah but be careful you've got a little drool right here" Cain says pointing at my lower lip laughing.

Leo the guy I now know as Cains beta takes off out of the driveway as soon as we climb in the car. "So where are we going?" I question. "To the mall" Cain says. "Uhh I don't have a lot of money. So I won't be able to get much." I say nervously. "Girl don't worry. We have Atticus' black card." Leo says with a huge grin.

We make it to the mall in an hour and half. Climbing out of the car we walk in together and Cain says "okay. First we have to get something for tonight so we're going over this way. Come on." Grabbing my arm he leads me through the mall and into a huge clothing store. "Dude I can't wear these." I huff out. "Nonsense. You'll look great now hush. I'm dressing you. I want everyone turning there heads." Knowing I won't win an argument with him I shut my mouth and just follow him around the store. He grabs a few outfits and sends me to the back where the dressing room is and has me try them on.

After going through the entire mall we have a lot more stuff than I planned on getting but Cain and Leo keep telling me it's fine and that Atticus won't mind. Once they finally agree that we're done we begin walking back out towards the car with over 100 shopping bags. I managed to get a little bit of everything  dresses, jeans shirts, tank tops, underwear and some shampoos and conditioners along with some perfume that both the guys loved.

We force everything into the car to the best of our ability with absolutely no room left in the car except for the drive and passenger seat. "I'll run back." Leo offers. "Are you sure? I can." I suggest. "Ohh no! Atticus would kill us if we let you run back." Cain exclaims. "Fine. Then let's go. I'll make it up to you Leo." I promise him.

Making it back to the house Atticus is standing in front of the door with his arms crossed over his chest scowling at us. "Uhh hi." I say nervously. "Brother how much did you spend?" He grits out. "Not much." He says dismissively. "You can afford it." Turning around grabbing bags and sliding past him I see his eyes grow huge.

Once all of my bags are upset Cain stays to help me put everything away. "Thank you. You didn't have to help me." I tell him. "Yeah I did cause if I didn't you wouldn't be ready on time. Now get dressed in this." He says tossing me a black dress and knee high black heels. "Cain are you trying to get me killed?" "Nope trying to get you noticed." He says with a huge grin.

I curl the ends of my hair and put very little makeup on before putting the dress on that Cain picked out. Once fully dressed I look in the mirror and can't believe what I'm seeing. 'We look hot!' My wolf howls out. Shaking my head at her I turn out of my room and walk downstairs where it looks like Cain and Atticus are arguing. "Hey. I'm ready when you are Cain." I say sounding nervous. They both stop talking and turn around to look at me. "You look great Zar." Cain says smiling like an idiot.

Suddenly feeling insecure I look over at Atticus I see his eyes are now pitch black. I lower my head and walk up to Cain grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the door. We both climb in and he pulls onto the road glancing at me every couple of minutes. "Are you okay?" I hear him question. "Yeah." I whisper. "Where's Leo?" "He already left. We're gonna meet him there." He says. The rest of the drive is in a comfortable silence. I place my head on the window watching the trees drift by.