Chapter 25

Atticus POV

'Go check on Zara. I think she's having a dream again.' Cain tells me through the mind link. 'I'm on my way.' I tell him walking upstairs towards her room. "Is she okay?" I ask Cain as I pass by him. "I don't know. She said your name." He tells me. "She said my name?" I ask with an eyebrow raised. "Yeah."

I walk passed him towards the door. 'Why do you think she said our name?' My wolf asks me happily. 'I don't know.' I answer truthfully. Making it to the door I hear her "Atticus.." I knock on the door but she doesn't answer. "Zara are you okay?" I question through the door. Nothing. I open the door slowly and quietly walk in. "Zara?" I say just above a whisper.

When she still doesn't respond I walk to the side of her bed and bend down in front of her. 'Why is she crying?' My wolf whimpers out. "Zara wake up. Come on it's just a dream, you're safe." I say lightly. "Atticus no.." she cries. 'She's having a nightmare about us!' My woods howls out In agony. Not being able to take it anymore I roughly shake her awake. "Dammit Zaraphine wake up!" I yell out causing her to jump out of bed with a snarl.

"What are you doing Atticus?" She spits. "I was just coming to make sure you were okay. I heard you crying." I tell her. "I don't need your help. I was fine." She hisses. "Yeah sure." I reply sarcastically. "Get out!! Get away from me!! I hate you Atticus! What part of that do you not understand! What do you want me to take back my rejection because it hurts your 'big bad Alpha' ego. Well sorry to disappoint but I meant it! I don't want you as my mate!" She screams out causing me to flinch and my wolf to cower to the back of my head.

"I didn't do anything to you Zara!!! I didn't touch you or starve you or hit you since you've been with me. No I haven't been the best mate but dammit I'm trying!!" I scream back. She begins shaking and I know it's just a matter of time before she shifts into her wolf. "Zara look I'm sorry okay. Just please calm down." I say backing away from her.

"I don't want to be here Atticus." She grits out. "Okay. I can have someone take you home tomorrow." I tell her as I make it out the door. 'Cain I need some help man.' I mind link just as she shifts within seconds, snarling at me. 'NOW CAIN!' I scream as I take off running down the stairs. 'What's going on!' He links back. 'I pissed her off and she shifted in her room and now she's chasing me!' I rush out. 'Shit!!!'

I run outside and shift into my brown and white wolf as I step off the porch. As soon as I land she runs into my side knocking me off my feet. I get up and turn to face her with a low growl. 'Cain!!! Where the hell are you?' I hiss. 'I'm coming!!' He screams. Zara snarls again snapping her jaw at me. 'I don't want to hurt her. She's our mate.' My wolf whimpers. 'I know. I don't either but we have to think of something cause she's ready to kill me.' I tell him.

Cains POV

I sniff the air trying to find them and when I catch their scent it hits me. 'Atticus! I know what's wrong with her!' I mind link him. 'What?!' He rushes out. 'She's in heat!' I yell out. 'Then why the hell is she attacking me?' He questions. 'That I'm not sure but I'm almost there.' Running through the forest I finally see them just as Zara lunges at Atticus. He wasn't expecting it so she managed to latch on to his shoulder causing him to howl in pain.

I take off running towards them and hit her back leg causing her to stumble and let go of him. 'Zara it's me Cain.' I tell her. 'Why did you bring me here Cain?' He snarls. 'I was just trying to help you Zar. You know that.' I say softly. As she lunges at me Atticus grabs her hind leg and yanks her back, throwing her across the yard. She immediately gets up, letting out a long howl and takes off into the woods.