Chapter 27

Atticus POV

Walking downstairs Cain is leaning against the door waiting for me. "Hey Atticus. You ready?" He questions. "Yeah. Let's just get this over with." I say sadly walking out of the house. Cain sniffs the air and begins walking towards the edge of the forest. I copy his movements and pick up on her scent following it. "Her scent isn't very strong. We'll have to hurry before it's gone." He tells me shifting into his wolf as I do the same.

We followed her scent to a broken down cabin, slowly walking up to the door I mind link Cain 'Do you smell that?' 'Yeah.' He says. We shift back and walk up on the porch and slowly open the door. I walk in first and look around before telling Cain to come in.

We search the entire house for anything that will tell us where she is but I can't seem to find anything other than her scent. "Atticus. Come here. I think I found something." Cain rushes out. I take off running towards the back bedroom that he is searching. Cain has a pained expression when I walk in. "What is it?" I ask him. He takes a step to the side showing me what he was hiding, a huge blood stain in the middle of the room. "Cain is it Zara's???" I rush out. "Yeah. But I don't think she's dead. It looks like someone took her. There's a trail out back that starts at the window.." he trails off.

I run out of the room and through the living room before making it outside. Cain follows me out going to the back of the house where the window is. "Her scent is strong back here. She couldn't have left but maybe an hour ago." He explains. "So we find her!"

Zaraphine's POV

After speaking to Selene she tells me I can go home now. The only problem with that is, I don't know where home is. 'It is our destiny! We have to mate with Atticus and take over our rightful spot as the moon goddess!' My wolf growls at me angrily. 'Shut up! I never wanted that!' I yell at her before shutting her out.

I sit down in the middle of the room trying to calm down before I make my way back to my stupid mate. I begin to drift off to sleep before I hear people talking outside the window. 'Who is it?' I ask my wolf. 'I can't pick up a scent.' She says. 'Shit not this again. How do they do that?' I huff out angrily.

"Are you sure she's the right person?" A female voice asks. "Yes you moron, she has the mark! If we can get her away from Atticus then Kira can have the spot.' A man says. 'They're here for us.' My wolf growls. 'No shit!' "How do you expect us to keep her away from him? He's not going to give up. He's always wanted his mate. He's not going to give that up, he loves her." The female states matter of factly. "Easy we just kill her. She hasn't figured out what she can do yet."

'What can we do?? You know more about this than I do!' I bark at my wolf. 'I don't know. The only thing I knew was that we were supposed to meet with Selene!' She growls. "Zaraphine we know you're awake. Just come out so we don't have to come in." The man says. "That's gonna be a hard no man. You wanna kill me and I'm not ready to die." I reply. A huge crash sounds at the front of the house bringing my attention away from the window. In a matter of seconds wolves come charging into room latching onto me everywhere they can. 'Zara just stay awake. I'm healing you but you have to stay awake!' My wolf howls at me. I feel my life draining from my body and the wolves start pulling me in all different directions. "STOP! NOT HERE!" A female voice rings out. "Mother?" I say before falling into darkness.