Chapter 45

Zaraphine's POV

It has been a few days since I have officially left Dark Moon. I have been constantly on the move, never stopping for more than an hour at a time. My wolf is constantly fighting me, begging me to return to Blood Moon and take our place as Luna and mate. Every time she begins her antics I block her out and continue on in silence. I've passed a few packs on my journey but made sure to not step into their territory. When I am out here on my own, I am considered a rogue. I do not have an official title. Nobody knows who I am or who I am supposed to be, and I want to keep it that way.

Atticus' POV

Trekking through the forest was a lot more tiring than I originally thought it to be. Staying in human form has definitely had its disadvantages but I have to. My wolf keeps urging me to turn back but before he can continue I shut him out. I know what he wants but we do not have the time or the manpower to kill everyone at Witch Mountain. My only concern is reaching my mate. I need to get to her before Esther can do any more damage to my beautiful, feisty, hard-headed, and amazing mate.

"Alpha?" One of my men calls out. I slowly turn back to the group of warriors with a raised brow, urging him to continue. "Alpha, can we stop and rest for a little bit? Sir, we are all hungry and tired. It has been two days since we left. We understand the dire need to get to Dark Moon but, it will do us no good if when we arrive we are sore from lack of food and rest. We will be dead men walking." Enzo slowly explained, keeping his head down. I reached into my hair grabbing the ends and giving it a sharp tug before responding, "Go. Hunt, set up camp, and we will rest for the night. We begin again at dawn."

The rest of the night was a blur. I took off with a few of my men to hunt while the rest stayed and set up a fire and gathered branches and leaves for shelter. I killed the first buck I seen. With one swift jump, I landed directly on his back in my wolf form, extending my claws to dig into the shoulders. He cried out, trying to buck me off, I quickly grew tired of the fight before I took his neck in my jaws and broke it. The metallic taste in my mouth caused my stomach to growl. 'How long has it been since I've eaten?' I thought to myself. I pick up the deer by the back of the neck and drag him back to camp. Laying him next to the now burning fire, I make my way to the makeshift shelter and shift back.

Once dressed I walk out towards my men and they all get quiet upon my arrival. I let out a low growl before taking my set next to Jax. "Jax," I grunt. "Yes Alpha?" He responds immediately sounding nervous. "Why didn't you tell me you had a sister? A tribrid at that? Is that how you knew about Witch Mountain?" I question. "I didn't tell you about Alex in fear you wouldn't accept me into the pack. Knowing that my family is not true blood. It's been a lot for even me to process, let alone the Alpha of a pack. I never should've doubted you, I know that but it was still a worry that I had in the back of my mind." He explained sadly. "It is okay Jax. I understand why you would fear the outcomes, but please put your trust in me that I am not like other Alphas. I do not care about your background. No matter what, you are family."