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14. Reunion Yuki & Yui-chan

Meanwhile, at the Yuki house and they get ready to celebrate welcome home with Yuki and us having some fun with them.

Takemoto: Onii-chan please hurry up we need to go there before other

Yuki: Okay I'm there

Later he finishes his home schedule that he misses a lot of household things and she saw Onii-chan with his only favorite hoodie jacket and sweatpants with brown light shoe color that he always wears to whatever we going or hang out with a friend.

Takemoto: you look great Onii-chan

Yuki: you really think so

Takemoto: of course shall we go

Yuki nodded and we went to the studio where everyone is had already here with their food ready to be on the barbecue.

Takashi: while Yuki doing something on the setup with the charcoal on the cooking some fishball or sausage

Matsuda: I'm glad that Yuki is safe and sound but he helping Yui-chan is safe and sound but helping Yui-chan

Meanwhile, Yuki while he was helping Yui-chan with the setup, and after we have done with cook some food and we finish cooking.

Suddenly, Yuki had an idea he has a gameplay for us to play with everyone and the game call is a UNO game where 8 players can play more than 8 players can play.

Takashi: ah...my favorite game ever!!

Yuki: you can't play cheating

Takashi: I know that just warn you, everyone

Matsuda: how to play the game?

Yuki: it easy just the number or color must be the same as the number can put on the table but you have a power card or other card also can put them right Takashi

Takashi: that right what Yuki has said

Matsuda: oh that was easy

Takemoto: Onii-chan you are going down

Morita: you also Onii-chan

Takashi: fine I let you win this round Run-chan

Matsuda: it that a trap or a trick

Yuki: is not a trap or a trick right Takashi

Takashi shakes his head to Run-chan and she was happy to hear that she can with the UNO game too easily.


After that, we finish the UNO game we eat the barbecue that cooks from outside the studio that he can sit on the grass with everyone else seating.

Yuki: It been a long time to have with everyone like is

Takashi: I'm glad that you miss the time pass by that so fast

Yuki: yea I did and I always must protect my Yui-chan even I went to go to work

Takemoto: Onii-chan I miss this year while you didn't even at here went I was here with you but now I have you back

Yuki: come here and give a brother a hug?

Later Takemoto hug Yuki tightly and didn't want to let go and he just seat there and they were looking at them with a smile on them.


While we clean the mess and later Takashi grabs Watanabe Risa's hand without saying anything right after she says to me '' why? are you grabbing my hand''.

Risa: Senpai...?!

Takashi: I'm sorry Risa but can we tell everyone that we are dating I can't keep secret anymore my head is hurtful

Risa: sure I'm ready

Later Takashi and Risa walking towards everyone but except for the 2nd Gen member already know that Risa Senpai and Takashi Senpai were dating each other but expect for 1st Gen didn't know they were together as a couple.

Takashi: everyone I want to tell you something big news are you ready

Sugai: ready for what?!

Risa: shh...he wasn't finished talking yet

Takashi: thanks Risa

Moriya: It's there something that I miss between you two

While Takashi telling the 1st Gen member about dating Risa that she also agrees with him.

Sugai: Takashi Senpai what you want to tell us about

Takashi: actually Risa and I were dating each other

1st Gen: Ehh...!!!

Sugai: Morita you know that your Onii-chan dating with cool Risa

Risa: that nickname was so lame

Moriya: Takashi...Senpai is now dating with Watanabe Risa!!

Takashi: why? you look surprised Akane

Moriya: nothing just I need to seat down for a while

Risa: come on Takashi Senpai let go for a sweet walk outside

Takashi: okay later everyone

After they walk outside and Sugai heard about who is the Mystery angel Soul who had to save us from trouble and danger.

Sugai: Tamura what are you guys talking about?!

Tamura: so you want to know the behind the Mystery guy who had to save you in the traffic jam on the highway right

Sugai: wait...did you know who is he?!

Tamura: yup we all knew

Moriya: you all knew who is he after all

Karin: yes!!

Uemura: who is he anyway

Right after Takashi and Risa return back to the studio and go to the dressing room with the 1st Gen and 2nd Gen after they were talking to them.

Kobayashi: then who is he hono-chan

Suddenly, Tamura pointing at where Takashi was talking to Risa.

Kobayashi: you mean Takashi is the Mystery angel Soul who had to save me but he is dating Risa

1st Gen: Ehh...?! They dating!!

Takashi: seriously guys you really need to know how to react except for the 2nd Gen, not at all compare to them

1st Gen: Ehh...?!

Takashi slaps his head and just go with it.

Sugai: Um...Takashi Senpai are you the mystery angel soul who had to save me and Kobayashi

Takashi: yes!! of course, this is me right after all

Kobayashi Yui shaking his hand and to congrats him and save her life from danger and with Inoue and Karin too.

Takashi: aww...that nothing a big deal at all

Morita: wait Onii-chan did you smile on Yui right now

Takashi: no I didn't smile

Tamura: what did Takashi Senpai just smile on Yui reaction right

Sugai: wait did he just smile on Yui and now he doing wink at her

Takashi: no I'm not I doing on Risa

Suddenly, Watanabe Risa looking at Takashi and making her too blush and become her face as red as a tomato and everyone just looks at Risa and looks back at Takashi.