Chapter2- Inexpedient Encounter

In present times, the word Perfect Life is a mere illusion. Actually, we are in constant illusions of many things without even being aware most of the time. But when life gives you a chance to face reality, the action is generally to withdraw as we have already made our comfort zone. This notion is extremely prevalent in a society where hierarchy resides. The dominant ones have the ultimate power so they are destined to acquire higher positions and the recessive ones are weak so they have to stay at the bottom. On a broader term, even science agrees with this too. But how can this be a perfect life when you are just accepting things as it is even when the new policies are stating you to do otherwise?



"Good morning everyone, as you all are already aware of the condition our CEO is in, so for the time being his son, Mr. Andrew, will be filling the vacant spot. I want you all to cooperate with each other and display the best results as a team." our team leader conveyed this very first message in the morning which should have served as a motivation for all of us but why do I feel my heart racing similar to the time when I had my interview.

"He's here, he's here," suddenly I heard people standing up from their seats and whispering to each other which made a slight commotion. I looked in the direction where everyone else's eyes were fixated and there he was our new CEO for the time being. My eyes widened as I saw a tall and handsome man possessing an aura different from your typical CEO aura heading towards our direction.

"It appears that he is greeting every team leader personally," a team member's voice from behind me reached my ears.

"Besides being so young and handsome, he is considerate too," another female colleague presented her views.

"Yeah, yeah, It's his first day after all, what else do you want him to do? Huh! He will eventually show his true colors," another male colleague was heard arguing with the female colleague.

"Shhh! Lower your voice, will ya? That's not professional, you should not talk about your boss like that. Whatsoever the way he is, it is not good to judge others without evidence. Isn't it, Kiro?" Mr. Yang who sits beside me and is only one year younger than me smiled gleefully towards me and waited for my reply.

"Ah! yes, yes," I nodded in agreement while averting my eyes and the others gave me a disappointed look.

"Come on, Kiro that's not fair, take our side too sometimes. We all here are like family right! You should agree with the other family members too."

"But if something is wrong, it's wrong. You don't agree with the bad people," Mr. Yang looked at me and winked with a grin.

"What? Who are you calling bad people huh! Are we some gangsters or what?"

"Well, now if I look closely you do look like one," Mr. yang continued with his teasing making me burst into laughter.

"You guys behave so childishly sometimes," I controlled my smile and turned to face them.

"Yaay! Kiro laughed finally. We were worried because you looked so gloomy since the morning," they all smiled warmly making me feel at ease. At that moment, I thought if I deserved these cheerful people in my life. It's not my first time around such cheerful people as after I met Alex, things at the cafe surely started to change and the sweet angels at the orphanage, their smiles are pure and that's enough for me.

"The mood here is probably lighter than the other teams I visited so far", as soon as I heard the new voice I turned around in a hurry and as I turned I noticed that the CEO was so close to me so I stepped back a little and unintentionally stomped on Mr. yang's foot leading to his fall on Ms. Lee. I heard the loud noise of two people falling and due to reflex action, I shut my eyes and froze on the scene.

"Oh! No, I screwed up," my heart sank and as I was thinking for an excuse but to my surprise, I heard a slight laugh. "Well, It's been so long since I met normal people, not one of the flatterers. Also, regular visits to hospitals made me really exhausted. Thank you fellow members for such a hilarious welcome, especially you Mr.???" He made a slight bow and read my employee card.

"Mr. Kiro, It is nice meeting you." He extended his hand and so did I for a handshake.

He then smiled as wide as he could and continued speaking. "All right, the joke's apart. I have high expectations from you guys since this team showed the best results in the last couple of months and I hope that you maintain your position as it is." Our team leader interrupted from behind, "I am extremely sorry sir for our incompetence. We will try not to show this clumsy side of ours in the future," the team leader bowed and apologized on our behalf and so did we all.

"It's completely fine. It was an accident and accidents don't come with a warning, don't worry about this and do your best. It was nice meeting you all." His secretary then pointed towards the next team and hence, he moved in that direction.




"Woah! what a day," I sighed as I placed my bag on the bed and recalled the happenings of today. My heart came into my mouth when Mr. Yang fell on Ms. Lee, mostly out of embarrassment and also due to fear of loss of a job which includes my blood, sweat, and tears. It was fair that I got a harsh scolding from Ms. Lee but due to some reason, Mr. Yang seemed quite happy throughout the day even when his foot pained. The things turned the opposite when I was thinking of an excuse for my clumsiness, I didn't think that he would laugh like that. We all were astonished at that time but who knew that he would be so understanding. To be honest he is still the same as before but only he grew taller and became more masculine. His laugh is also the same, he still laughs from the bottom of his heart and that pure smile is still intact. How is it still intact? I wonder.

As my mind became heavy with questions so did my eyes that were exhausted due to today's event. I shifted my position and hugged the youngest as he slept with me while the others slept in different rooms of the orphanage.

"So warm!" I stroked his hair and soon we both were in dreamland.

To be continued.....