Exclusive Date- Part 1

"Let's go with a fresh theme this time, the viewers should be able to imagine the youthfulness. Let's mention the season especially the spring. Let's relate it with that," a colleague expressed his views regarding the new theme.

"Yes, I think this is good since I was thinking about assigning the lines according to the personality of every member. And also, let's add every season but focus on the spring one as it depicts the beginning," I laid my points for the lyrics in the meeting.

The theme for the new boy band was finalized after a meeting that took 2 hours. I encountered Andrew as I was leaving the meeting hall, "You didn't forget our plans for the weekend right?" he smiled warmly and then looked around as if checking if no one was there and then gave a slight peck on my forehead. My cheeks flushed and my embarrassment was evident to which he giggled like a kid and escaped the scene.

It's been three months since I moved on. Well practically everybody in the office knows about us dating since he makes it so obvious. And yes thanks to Mr. Yang and Ms. Lee their nonstop teasing confirms everything. It's not like I don't want to make our relationship public but I wanted to be accepted by his mother first and then take the next step. But this is also fine since I will wait however long it takes for her approval.

So, the precious weekend that I usually spend with my cute little orphanage children is booked already. But his innocent-looking puppy dog eyes flashed on my mind and I chuckled. He is another kid actually. Ok, so I will visit them at night as our plans are for the day. Yes, I will manage, I cleared my dilemma and then got back to work.

The weekend,

"Alex, isn't this too flashy?" I asked him as I checked myself in the mirror "And Why do I need to wear a matching watch and shoes like that." Since Alex became aware that I was going on a date for the first time ever after he asked me a few days ago, he came to help me find the perfect clothes.

"Are you serious Sarang? You guys are finally going on a date as he finally had the courage to ask you. Don't you remember how you always diverted from the topic whenever he talked about going out?"

"Well, it was not my fault you see because I didn't get what he was actually implying to?" I spoke to him while I pouted my lips and defended myself.



First attempt of asking out,

"Hyung, there is a really nice movie that released yesterday. Do you want to go and watch out?' Andrew asked him while they were returning from the conference hall.

'Oh sure, let's ask Mr. Yang and Ms. Lee too, it will be fun together, Mr. Yang is so much into movies', Sarang replied while running towards Mr. Yang.

2nd attempt,

"Hyung what's your favorite dish? Well, I know what it was but have your preference changed if not then I know a very nice restaurant that opened nearby let's head out there tomorrow," Andrew asked during lunch break in the office cafeteria.

"Oh, do you know why I still like that dish because my brother always made that for me whenever I was sad and then gradually the taste enticed me? We don't have to visit a restaurant for that, Why don't you visit our apartment today, I will ask him to make it for us. Now, I am suddenly craving for it", Sarang continued eating his meal while Andrew became sad.

3rd attempt,

"I heard the children never visited the amusement park," Andrew asked when we visited the children of the orphanage during the weekend.

"I never actually thought about that," Sarang looked at him in amazement and then towards the children playing at a distance.

The youngest who was sitting in Sarang's lap jumped happily and ran towards the children and shouted, "Friends we are going to the amusement park, yaaay"

Andrew smiled and so did Sarang as they both had to go now no matter what. But on the day of the visit, he caught a cold and sp couldn't go.



Alex, now checked my appearance, one last time, and gave a thumbs up.

"Yup, now you are ready to go", he winked at me and checked his watch. "Oh no, I had a group meeting with my classmates at 12 in ABC Cafe, I better get going now, all the best bestie, have a fun-filled day ahead. See you later," Alex ran as Taehyung Hyung was waiting downstairs for him.

"So, it is finally happening", I geared myself up and soon my nervousness started to fade.

I waited outside for Andy as he ran a little late but when he finally arrived I was happy as the wait was worth it. I saw him in a suit every day but today he was more casually dressed and it was soothing.

"Ah! Hyung, you are emitting a lot of pheromones," he panicked and reached me with a worried look. "Are you alright? Is it the time of your heat?" he started asking me random questions.

I felt so embarrassed as I didn't know how do I tell him that it was because of him that my pheromones went out of control.

"Umm, no it's not my heat. But you look good today maybe that's why...," I halted without completing my sentence and waited for him to take the hint.

"Ahhh! Hyung, why are you so cute?" he hugged me as now he was the one releasing the pheromones.

We both got inside the car and headed to our destination. The first place on our list was my brother's new book launching ceremony and then we planned to visit all the three destinations that Andrew wanted to visit last time with me.

"Let's stop at the florist first,' I asked Andy as we waited for lights to turn green.

"Yes, I was also thinking the same," he agreed while humming a song.

He sure looks happy and that makes me happy too.

We stopped at the florist and I brought Hyung's favorite flowers. I saw Andrew buying a basket of orchids. Maybe he wants to give him something on his own. I felt happy as they both were getting along well now.

We reached the desired place and there Hyung was being interviewed regarding the new book. We sat in our places and watched him. Then after the interview ended, we handed him the bouquet but Andrew didn't give him the orchids.

I looked at him and he looked at me. We both were now having a staring competition and then he blocked my vision with those orchids.

Here these are for you, he handed them to me and everybody started hooting.

My cheeks blushed and I became silent. It was not because I was embarrassed but because I forgot to buy one for him and that made me a little sad.

"Just go you two, this is my event and you both are stealing my limelight", Hyung pushed us and we were forced to go out.

There was a small fan signing event that took about one more hour. Andrew suggested that we look around the book store during that time.

Andrew and I went straight to the comic section. Since he was young, he liked reading comics and slowly my interest also aroused in that. We glanced through the new arrivals and reminisced about the time when the three of us, Andrew, Me, and Derek, used to sneak out at night and read the comics in secret.

I saw Andrew's sad face and so I changed the topic. My sadness was nothing in front of him. "Do you remember the author of "XYZ"?" I asked him.

"Yes, that book was one of my favorites during school time,' he answered while sobering up.

"I have a signed copy of that at my place," I answered him rather proudly.

"Huh! what? Hyung, you do," his eyes glimmered like that of a small kid when seeing something for the first time.

I patted his head and gave him a small head bump after nodding. We spent a little more time there and bought some comics.

Then he suggested that we should have a nice lunch at a new restaurant and then watch a movie.

We followed the plan but got the evening time for the movie and so we decided to visit his home during that time. I knew that some time or the other we had to face this together. I could not run away as this is the path I chose willingly. That place may be the cause of my nightmares but it is also the place where I found my true love. And hence we proceeded there together.

To be continued.....