Chapter 11

Author's Point Of View,

"Hey, are you feeling good"? Grace asked Anna and she nods. She was sitting on her bed. And Grace went near her and sat beside her.

"Grace", Anna called her and she instantly replied.

"Yes say what happened"?

"I do not know how I will ever be able to thank you enough to make my life like this", said Anna as new tears built up in her beautiful eyes.

"Hey, shhh, my baby. You were destined to be here as I was that is why you are here. And I am very sure dad will be so happy to see you", Grace said with a small smile and Anna hugged her.

"Thank you so much, Grace. I love you so much", said Anna while hugging her so tight.

"I love you too baby. Now you will never cry okay", said Grace like a big sister, and Anna nods like a good girl.

"Okay so now tell me what you do? I mean what you used to do in the orphanage". Grace and Anna become silent.

"Hey, what happened? Just tell me", Grace asked again and Anna wiped her face.

"I used to do all the work, like washing dishes and making breakfast, cleaning, etc", said Anna with a sad face.

"What, but why? In Newyork, all orphanages are providing education to the children but why you were doing all that work". Grace was shocked to hear that.

"Yes, but they did not allow me to study. They only provide a little education and that is only for small kids. And the girls like me have to do all the work, and they only give us a little food", said Anna, and Grace's heart clenched in pain.

"Then why have you never complained about it to anyone sweety? What they are doing is wrong. Why you were doing all that work? You have all the right to complain", Grace said, Anna could not help but look down.

"I know, but they were providing me with shelter at least. Or elsewhere where would have I gone", she replied and Grace felt so bad for her. She wished that she could have saved her long ago, but then she realize that she was not in the condition to help at that time.

She was also in the same situation somehow. Her heart again started feeling heavy as she thought about her past.

"Hey, what happened? Are you crying for me? Please do not cry for me. I am also trying not to cry over these things. You should also stop crying over the past things", said little Anna, and Grace slowly kissed her forehead.

"I promise I will not cry. Now smile". Grace wiped her face and Anna smiled.

"Now go and have some rest. You must be tired". Grace said and Anna nods and went to the bed.

Grace's Point Of View,

Life was never easy for me. I do not know what I did wrong to deserve a life like I used to have.

But seems like I also did some good deeds, and that is why today I am here. Mom and dad saved me. They dragged me from the darkness into light.

What else I could ask from God? Still, sometimes I do not believe that I am here. And when I see the love and affection in my mom and dad's eyes, I consider myself lucky to have parents like them.

I still wonder that why they could not find me a little earlier so that I would have been saved from all those painful things.

But I feel relaxed a little because if mom and dad would not save me, I would have been in a dark basement, with a lot of bruises on my body, and a bleeding head. Or maybe something worse than all these.

"Grace, come down sweety. I need to talk to you", I heard my mom yell from downstairs.

"Yes mom, coming in just two minutes", I said and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were looking red, and my mom is just too smart. She knows me so well.

She will get to know that I was crying again and then she will be sad. And I do not want to make her sad. She is already doing a lot for me, so I also should be a good daughter to her.

I washed my face with cold water, it feels good. And after wiping my face I applied some cream and kajal to my eyes, so my mom would not know that I was crying.

After I was done I made my way toward mom.

"Yes mom, you called me", I said with a smile and she smiled as she saw me.

"Oh, Grace", she said and placed a kiss on my forehead, well, she usually does that, but it was a little different today.

"Grace, maybe I am not your biological mother, but still I could sense your condition sweety, so next time just do not try to hide anything from me, okay", she said and caressed my hair.

"Mom, I was just", I opened my mouth to explain myself, but she put a finger on it making my mouth shut.

"Shh, you do not need to explain anything honey. I know everything", she said and I smiled. I know she knows everything, but still, there are a lot of things she does not know. And I do not want her to know, because I just do not want to see sympathy in her eyes for me instead of love.

"Well, I was saying that why do not we all go shopping since you came here you never asked me to go shopping. How about we go and shop a lot of new dresses for you", she said and I shook my head.

"No mom, I do not want anything. I mean, I just do not want new dresses. I already have a lot of dresses, and that is true that I never asked you shopping because you and dad did that for me. My cupboard is already full of new dresses, and I do not need new dresses", I protest.

I am a girl still I am not crazy about shopping. Even I do not like to go shopping. It makes me crazy. I do not who are those girls who like to spend hours shopping.

"But sweety, I thought you would love it", my mom said with a sad face and I cupped her face.

"Mom, do not be sad, please. If you want we could go somewhere else, but first I need to know dad's decision about Anna. I want him to meet her first. I am scared mom. What if dad does not like her? She has no place to go mom", I said with a sad face and she cupped my face.

"Hey, do not worry. You just do not need to care about it. I will talk to your dad, and I think your dad will also love her as I did. She is so sweet and decent. I am sure your dad will not say no. So just relax and leave it on me, okay", my mom said and I smiled.

"Promise me, mom, promise if dad did not like her or has any objections, then you will support me", I said as I put my hand in front of her, and she gently put her hand on mine.

"I promise sweety. I will support you no matter what. You know honey, your dad and I yearned for a child for years. And now when God is giving us two beautiful daughters, then why we would not accept honey? I am sure he would love to have Anna too as he does to you", my mom said and a tear of happiness rolled down my cheek.

"Now be a good girl, and stop crying over the things that passed. We should never remember the memories that give us tears. It is better if you forget them and accept your new and happy life", my mom said and I nod with a smile.