
    Why did Reynand become like this? How could Reynand change? Why did he corner me and brand me a gold digger woman? That's what Nuansa thinks now.

Her breathing became irregular, the girl did not expect that things would turn out like this. Reynand, whom she used to know is very polite and kind to her, and then he just told her that she is a gold digger. It was a little bit of a shock, maybe even the same as when Emma spilled the juice on her head.

Nuansa didn't expect any of this to happen, just because she became Neptunus' hired girlfriend, she is getting a lot of pain. First, she was humiliated at Emma's party, and then the hurtful words of Reynand, a friend she really admires, as a friend of course.

The girl then decided to return to her house and tried not to show her feelings to her parents.

"Why are you taking so long?" asked Durah when Nuansa returned.

"The kids were running away, they're very naughty, huh?" said Nuansa, she has made so many lies to her mom this morning.

"Yes, sometimes we tolerate them because they are just kids, but sometimes they went too far, for some time they also need to feel the real punishment."

"But they are other people's' children, hahaha."

"Hahaha, that's right. It can take a long time if we tease other people's children."


A few hours later, Neptunus finally came to Nuansa's house when his hired girlfriend was chatting with her parents. Nuansa seemed to have forgotten what happened this morning between her and Reynand, and she looked ready to go with Neptunus.

Neptunus knocked on Nuansa's house door when he was in front of the house.

"Ah, Neptunus. Please come in," said Durah.

"Thank you, Auntie." Neptunus then entered the house.

"Are you going straight away to your campus with Nuansa?" asked Arfan. Neptunus and Nuansa then glanced at each other.

"Yes," answered Neptunus.

"Alright, I'll take a time to get ready first," said Nuansa.

"You look has ready."

"Men don't understand." Nuansa then went to her bedroom, making her parents chuckle.

While Nuansa is in her bedroom, Neptunus took out something from his pocket. It turned out that he took out a brown envelope containing money, Nuansa's wage for yesterday.

"This is Nuansa's wage for yesterday, Uncle, I forgot to give it to her last night," said Neptunus as he gave the money to Arfan.

Arfan is shocked to see the envelope as it is a very thick envelope. He immediately understood that Neptunus still gave Nuansa a full wage for yesterday.

"But, Nuansa said her wage for yesterday is only ten percent left, isn't this too many?" asked Arfan.

"It's okay, just take it."

"Eh, you can't do that, we still have to be fair," said Durah.

"Auntie, if you are refused sustenance, it is strictly prohibited, you can drag your sustenance later," said Neptunus. Hearing that, Arfan and Durah then glanced at each other, they were considering whether to take Nuansa's full wage or not. In the end, they took it.

"Thank you, you are very kind," said Arfan.

"You're welcome, Uncle, but I want something, ok?" said Neptunus.

"What is it? Tea? Coffee?" asked Durah.

"Hahaha, no. Please don't tell Nuansa about this, just tell her that I still give ten percent of her full wage to you two. For today's wage, I will give her directly later."


"I don't want her to return the ninety percent of her full wage, she is quite stubborn, unlike her parents, I will have a hard time dealing with her later to force her to accept everything."

"Hahaha, alright. She's quite stubborn and sticks to one stand, so, yeah, it sucks sometimes. But luckily you put up with her."

"After all, she's still very nice, her annoying nature only shows up for a moment."

Durah then just smiled. A few moments later, Nuansa came out of her bedroom with more complete makeup. "Come on," said Nuansa.

"Ok. Uncle, Auntie, we have to go, I borrow Nuansa until evening," said Neptunus while greeting Arfan and Durah.

"Okay," said Arfan.

"Dad, Mom, I'm leaving," Nuansa said goodbye while greeting her parents.


On the way, Nuansa realized that now they are on the way to Neptunus' house, not his campus, because this route is so familiar to her, she passed this street almost every day these days.

"Uh, we're going to your house?" asked Nuansa.

"Yes," answered Neptunus, briefly, and quickly, fortunately not while eating the diamond.

"You said you were going to take me to your campus."

"Yes, but I'll be in my class in an hour, so I'll take you home first while waiting for one hour."


"It's okay, right?"

"It's okay. How long will it take you to get to your campus from your house?"

"Forty-five minutes."

"That is very long."

"That's if the streets are jammed, if not, it only takes thirty minutes."

"That means we only have about fifteen minutes at your house?"

"It could only be for five minutes."

"Then why are you coming home?"

"I want to pee, suddenly I feel like throwing away my urine."

"You can pee at a gas station."

"No, I want to pee at my house, because I also want to take some fried soybeans."

"Oh, no. Don't eat it in the car."


"You forgot what happened when I threw up?"

"Ew, I remember. Okay, I won't eat it in the car."

"I even want to throw up again when I remember."

"It's not funny."




"Are you serious?"

"Of course."


"Relax, I'm not really going to throw up."

"What are you talking about actually?!"

"Now I don't want to throw up anymore because I remember Vega's story about you."

"About me?"

"Yes, when I waited for you in Vega's bedroom on the first day I came to your house, she told me many things about your childhood."

"Don't say-"

"You pooped in your pants when your kindergarten was having an art show, right? HAHAHAHA."

"Oh, no, that kid likes to spread other people's secrets."

"And, and at that time all the participants and guests felt awful, but instead of being honest, you pretended to be too, Gosh, hahaha." Nuansa's laughter is very amused. Neptunus then could only embarrassed, now he regrets that he was ever honest with his family about it.