
The Takoyakis that Nuansa ordered finally arrived at her table, and of course it's still hot. The waitress is still serving her, she even sat down to continue chatting with the girl.

"So why are you surprised?" Nuansa asked the waitress, she did not eat the Takoyakis yet because it's still very hot.

"First, my name is Gladys, I'm one of Neptunus' close friends." The waitress named Gladys introduced herself. "And actually I'm still twenty-two years old, so our age is not far, you can call me just by my name," she continued.


"Second, I want to ask you, for you, how Neptunus is?"


"Yeah, like, is he nice, quiet, or annoying for example."

"Why did you ask me like that?"

"Just answer, I'll tell you why later."