Goes to Korea, Part 7: Price Hike

    Neptunus and Nuansa finally arrived at an Indonesian restaurant. There, they were greeted by a very friendly waiter, he really showing how friendly Indonesians are.

Neptunus and Nuansa then entered the restaurant and chose their dining table, on the table, there are some menu lists available in 3 languages: English, Korean, and Indonesian.

Nuansa then took a menu list in Indonesian.

She saw menus that quite popular in Indonesia, such as Nasi Goreng, Rendang, Soto, Bakso, Bakmi, Mie Ayam, Sate, and others. For snacks, Nuansa also found quite a lot of street snacks such as Cilok, Cimol, Bakwan, Tahu Bulat, Batagor, and so on, but of course the prices are so expensive, it is inversely proportional to buying them in Indonesia.

Usually, Bakwan, one of the most popular and cheapest street snacks in Indonesia is sold at a cheap price in Indonesia, while here, Bakwan's price is 10 times larger than in Indonesia.